Friday, February 27, 2009

Killer Headache!!

After so long, there is no headache..

but in the afternoon, after lunch, i started to feel the pain. It's like a hoop tighten my head!

I know that would be getting worse. started to have pain till the eyes and back of my head around 5 something.

And I was totally can't take it around 7 something. I sat on the sofa at the lobby and really wanna give up to drive home. But was worried, if I really sleep here, what time should I wake up? till morning. coz i know it has no cure if I don't take medicine.

The pain grew when I drove. till half of my face... to the nose and whole neck was really stiff.

I drove slowly and reached home... I almost can't see clearly.

I had medicine quickly, took a bath and slept...... and now. around 12am... it has gone......

wondering why, it was so serious???? I felt like vomitting too. sigh.... Perhaps, I am too anxious again.. :(

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Something that made me touched....

This song has touched my heart..

Love the movie, and the song, "She"

Hope you will like it too.

Lyrics | Elvis Costello - She lyrics

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A New Layout

Welcome to the new layout of my blog!
Trying to make something that speaks about me.
Do you think it's better than the previous one?
Thanks again to Theng Theng for the advice.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Long Weekend

Having 4 day week due to low production is good and bad to myself.

Good - rest more, can concentrate on my studies and can go home more often without taking any leave.

Bad - Pay cut and can't accumulate leaves for big trip.

This will be on going until September. So, I only have chance to go travel in the year end.

So, which country I would like to go in this year? Melbourne-Sdyney-Brisbane? Japan? Taiwan?


Well, Yesterday I had a very fulfilled day. I studied in library for 4 hours and done many questions of the practice test.

For today, didn't do much in studies. But I woke up early to send my car for service, my laptop for repair and I bought a new electronics toothbrush. Wah!!! It's really useful! No wonder, doctor is using it... haha. I can feel my teeth has gone thru the dental cleaning! hahaha

Then I had a nap from 6pm to 930pm!! Very lazy. I can't stay away from a nap in weekend as usual. Think later I need to do some questions on the practice test.. else, I won't feel comfortable.

Luckily, there is no group chat today. Else, I will be attracted and addicted again. The group chat is very FUN!

So, what's my plan for tomorrow? Start on Humanities & Social Sciences?? Perhaps, Yes. not much time left....

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Headache (Feb 2009)

Medical Report: My headache status update

Today I went for my headache check up after taking 4 months of medication.

In the past 4 months, my headache reduced to only ONE time. The one and only headache is caused by the hot weather after waking up from an afternoon nap.

I am so glad that this headache can be cured. Yes. Almost cure :)

I will continue to have another 6 months of medication (alternate days). The next check up will be in August. By the time, I think I will be 99% cured!!

Thanks to the doctor. :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Love Actually

Finally I have time to watch the movie:


There are many stories in this movie and each one is so true.

It reflects the real life relationship in this world.

Husband and wife, father and son, boyfriend, girlfriend, colleagues, friends etc.

Love Actually is Everywhere.

The world is beautiful because there is....

Food that I miss - Europe (I)


The first dessert I tried in Milan in a traditional restaurant. Ice cream with crunchy peanuts + sugar as topping.
Basic and original pizza with cheese and tomatoes. My favourite among all the rest of the pizza.
Local delicacies -made of sugar that commonly found in Silicy Island. It's tooooooo sweet for me!


Apple flavoured beer, I like it!

Famous pork knuckles with side dishes. Only Euro11! cheap!

Lebkuchenherz - German Heart-shaped cookies

German sausages stall

Currywurst - a German National Dish consisting of hot pork sausage (Wurst) cut into slices and seasoned with a ready-made ketchup-based sauce seasoned with curry and other spices.
I love it! If I am not wrong, it was my lunch of the day!! haha!


Octopus Paella!!

Seafood Paella!! I love Paella!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Black Out!

When I woke up, I found myself was sweating. The weather is super hot.

I knew that I was late.. So i quickly jump out from the bed and straight away went for a bath. After changing, I suddenly felt vomitting. My stomachache is not feeling well, then I blacked out.

Luckily I was still in the bedroom, and I quickly lie down on the bed. black out for few minutes, and I found myself sweating.

I was wondering whether I should take MC for today. but I have another medical appt on Wed for my headache check up. So, I decided to go to work. I guess, my blood glucose is low in the morning.

At last, I didn't drove to the company. I had my breakfast at the canteen and took a cab. sigh, it costs me SGD27. my 5 days petrol price.

Ermm, think I am too weak. always tired and sleepy. no energy to do anything and easily get sick. I gonna do something with it. start exercising... ermm.. but i am a very lazy person. also mainly because of my eczema, I really cant sweat much. I found my eczema is coming back again. sigh........ :(

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Yesterday, we didn't want to go out for dinner.

Reasons: crowded outside, expensive due to Vday & I need to study.
So we had done some cookings at home. This is the best steak that we made so far.
I suppose, we bought the correct part of steak and got the right way to cook it (not me). haha
Just simple and yummy! :D

Homemade Breakfast.. Yummy

For the first time I made this kind of breakfast for myself. I found it very delicious!

There are Shaved Ham, Cheddar Cheese, Tomatoes, some salt and olive oil in the Baguette.

This is what I like to eat in the morning. Not "Nasi Lemak", "fried noodles".. hahaa..
Do you wanna give it a try? :D

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Call-in Farewell Party!

Just gave my bunch of primary schoolmates a call. They are having farewell party for Soong Wei and Ngiam at Souled Out, Sri Hatamas.

I can hear the music and chit chat. I feel the JOY!

Happy to talk to few of them.. Due to the noisy environment, they hardly listen to me.

How I wish I can be there..

I truly feel that the bonds among our primary schoolmates are really strong. Chee Leong even rushed home from Singapore for it! If I know it earlier, sure will join them for the last outing in this CNY. :D

I believe time passes by very fast. Let's meet up again in next CNY, friends.

Last but not least...........
Happy Friendship Day!!

Friday, February 13, 2009


I came across of this word today.


No Doubt, I am a spiderwoman!!

What does it mean?

It describes someone who always stay online, on the WEB!!

Ermm, I am an internet addict. The first thing I open the door, I will walk to my laptop and press the "ON" button!

I can't live without Internet! I spend my whole evening online and not willing to sleep every night. Kinda crazy. Even I will ignore my husband for just concentrate on the laptop.
He wonders and is curious why am I always laughing to the PC.

Perhaps, if he turns on his MSN, we will be connected then.. hahaha...

Also, I reckon I can't live without electronics gadgets like mobile phone, nintendo, camera and ipod..

I will feel something is lacking in my life if one of them is missing.

*nearly lost my mobile phone today :( but thanks Diver Mel who found it :D*

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Fast, Faster & Fastest

For the past one month, I found that I drive faster and faster.

The average speed I drive now it's 90-100km/h and the highest I can reach is 115km/h

I guess my comfort speed is 90km/h nowadays. I should try to control my speed. If not, it would be quite dangerous.

The condition of Singapore Expressway is good and I feel very smooth when driving.

Not much traffic jam and it takes about 20 to 25mins to reach the office about 40km from my home.

Also, I feel that I handle my car very well now! Remember when I started driving after 10 years, I was so scared. I found every car is running so fast! I afraid I will hit the car at the left and right of me. I scared of cutting the lanes and never go to the first lane. The max speed I went was 70 to 80km/h.

Anyway, my parking skill is still super bad. I am trying to force myself to park from the back. and I always think that my main obstacles of driving is parking. No doubts I failed my first parking test in KL.

I hope, one day I can overcome this obstacles and be a patient & expert driver. My plan is to drive home someday in near future :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Exhausted & Feeling BLUE~~

Tired. superb tired. I think I have been feeling like this since I am back from KL.

I am too old to stay till dawn consecutively every night. and after one week, I still can't recover.

Can't recover mentally and physically. I guess my soul is still in KL and I look like a zombie in the office. I just don't feel like doing anything but force to do it. arghh..

Today it's already the last day of Chinese New Year. Also, the Chinese Valentine's Day. If I were at home, we will at least celebrate it with family. And in here, no special celebration. Just waiting for my dinner and have a good night sleep.

This new year passes by fast and happy. It's precious to see old friends who knows for 19-23 years still gather together. :) I hope every year, we can have such a great new year ahead.

Hey friends, stay in touch and all the best :)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Valentine's Day

Teddy bears, Flowers, Chocolates, Heart-shaped fluffy toys, romantic cards & songs..

Yeah! Valentine's Day is around the corner.

Valentine's Day is a very sweet day to me. I remember when I was in Uni, this day also called as Friendship Day.

To me, this is a day to appreciate the relationship with your partner, family and also your friends.

Though, I have never experience any romantic Vday dinner or receive any flowers, chocolates etc. However, always in my heart, I really feel that I am lucky to have nice and sweet people around me. Romantic Vday dinner & gifts are just the bonus for the special day :)

My blessings to all the lovely couples to have a wonderful V'day ahead.

If you think that he/she is the right one, just be with him/her & precious every moments together. There is one phrase I came across: Tomorrow will be too late.

Be Contented & Happy Always!

Once again, Happy Valentine's Day to everyone.

With love,


Had done a part of it but more to go!

I went to NTU library to borrow some books for Organic Chem and Bio chem.

Within last week, I have finished Form 5 Chemistry and one reference book of Organic chemistry. It seems like some knowledge has been digged out from my brain. I realise I need shorter time to understand the theory though I have left them for about 8 years.

By revising the sample questions again, I am able to answer most of them. :) I am very happy as I know what am I doing.

Still have one month plus to prepare for GAMSAT. Though my confidence in this test is not high, especially for Humanities, Social science and written composition. But I will try my best in it. I hope there is no regret in my life at least.

I plan to finish all the readings on Biology and Chemistry in this month. In March, I will start on the art subjects plus last revision on Bio Physics and Chem.

Time is not very sufficient according to the plan. Yes, really have MORE to go..


Friday, February 6, 2009

Haha! We Strike again!


We hit TOTO again for this year CNY special. Well, though it's not the first prize. But we considered that we are lucky for this year!


Wishing everyone a lucky & prosperous year..

most importantly to my colleagues, not to be retrenched although we are going to have a pay cut soon :(

May the economy gets back to normal soon.

Something has changed

Everything is changing, and the only thing that is not changing is "CHANGE"
Things can be changed very fast.
I realised something has changed in a sudden recently.
I am not used to it. I miss it!
Anyway, it could be expected to be this way and I gonna move on.
I have no regret and cherish the moment a lot.
It is one of the sweet memories in my life.
Take care :)

A Wonderful Chinese New Year

This CNY was really wonderful. Since I touched down at KL on the 2nd day of CNY, my plan was never stop.

Here you go:

2nd day: movie "Gah Yao Hey Si" at 8pm, supper with family at Mongkok Restaurant and visited Yoke Woon's house.

3rd day: Form 5 friends visited me at home and we proceed to Chow Yee's house for my first gamble during this CNY. Was so lucky that I won! haha!
Then I rushed to my primary school gathering dinner at Overseas Restaurant, PGRM and continue to Ceylon Pub near to Changkat Bukit Bintang.

Gathering Dinner

Fun time at Ceylon Pub

4th day: Went for lunch at Midvalley with Bryan, Shi Song, Sook Kuen and Yann. At night, some of my primary school friends came to my home. We looked at the old pics taken during primary, autograph written in year 1991 and Laugh Out Loud for all the funny acts we made last time. It was really the funniest night we spent together. Nevertheless, our gathering ended with a supper at Tsim Tung.

@ my home

5th day: It's the time to visit my relatives. We played poker cards and I won again!! haha.. then we have the 'lou sang' session with all the family members. I really enjoy the moment as almost everyone was there. :)

on the other side, phonecalls coming in to ask for a movie. So, me and my sis met my primary schoolmates for INKHEART. Well, it is a simple movie, not too bad and most importantly I watched with my friends. It has been a long time i didn't watch movie with them. It's rare that everyone coming back from different countries and sat together for a movie too. :)

again, we went supper at steven corner.

6th day: Gathering with my Form 6 friends. They came to my house and they are so many of them. Around 25 ppl. Yes. we always have such a big group in every gathering. The favourite stuffs that my form 6 friends like to do during CNY is GAMBLE!!! And I found few friends who knows HK mahjong and we played for hours. At night, we visit Gee Kheang's new house at Ampang & then Seah's house. I couldn't take it anymore and I dozed off immediately when i got into the car.

7th day: A call from Bryan and woke me up. We went for lunch at Pandan Indah with Foo Yuen and chat at Tsim Tung until 4pm. I had a nap once I reached home as I know my energy are almost all utilised. After recharging for 2 hours, we prepared for another drinking session at Carlos, Pavilion. This session was fun too. Shi Song brought all his primary school pics collection to share with us. Surprisingly, I saw some of my pics. I was very tiny!!! hahaha!

@ Carlos, Pavilion

That's me @ 11!

8th day: I forced myself to wake up as that's the day i need to fly back to Singapore. The feeling was a bit down as I will only able to meet my friends again some in next CNY. However, I feel that I am very lucky to have this bunch of friends in my life. Also never forget my lovely family :)

I miss everything in KL..
Take care, everyone!

P.S: My plan after CNY: study hard for GAMSAT test! 8-) try my best with no regret!