Sunday, February 8, 2009

Valentine's Day

Teddy bears, Flowers, Chocolates, Heart-shaped fluffy toys, romantic cards & songs..

Yeah! Valentine's Day is around the corner.

Valentine's Day is a very sweet day to me. I remember when I was in Uni, this day also called as Friendship Day.

To me, this is a day to appreciate the relationship with your partner, family and also your friends.

Though, I have never experience any romantic Vday dinner or receive any flowers, chocolates etc. However, always in my heart, I really feel that I am lucky to have nice and sweet people around me. Romantic Vday dinner & gifts are just the bonus for the special day :)

My blessings to all the lovely couples to have a wonderful V'day ahead.

If you think that he/she is the right one, just be with him/her & precious every moments together. There is one phrase I came across: Tomorrow will be too late.

Be Contented & Happy Always!

Once again, Happy Valentine's Day to everyone.

With love,
