Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Fast, Faster & Fastest

For the past one month, I found that I drive faster and faster.

The average speed I drive now it's 90-100km/h and the highest I can reach is 115km/h

I guess my comfort speed is 90km/h nowadays. I should try to control my speed. If not, it would be quite dangerous.

The condition of Singapore Expressway is good and I feel very smooth when driving.

Not much traffic jam and it takes about 20 to 25mins to reach the office about 40km from my home.

Also, I feel that I handle my car very well now! Remember when I started driving after 10 years, I was so scared. I found every car is running so fast! I afraid I will hit the car at the left and right of me. I scared of cutting the lanes and never go to the first lane. The max speed I went was 70 to 80km/h.

Anyway, my parking skill is still super bad. I am trying to force myself to park from the back. and I always think that my main obstacles of driving is parking. No doubts I failed my first parking test in KL.

I hope, one day I can overcome this obstacles and be a patient & expert driver. My plan is to drive home someday in near future :)