Saturday, February 21, 2009

Long Weekend

Having 4 day week due to low production is good and bad to myself.

Good - rest more, can concentrate on my studies and can go home more often without taking any leave.

Bad - Pay cut and can't accumulate leaves for big trip.

This will be on going until September. So, I only have chance to go travel in the year end.

So, which country I would like to go in this year? Melbourne-Sdyney-Brisbane? Japan? Taiwan?


Well, Yesterday I had a very fulfilled day. I studied in library for 4 hours and done many questions of the practice test.

For today, didn't do much in studies. But I woke up early to send my car for service, my laptop for repair and I bought a new electronics toothbrush. Wah!!! It's really useful! No wonder, doctor is using it... haha. I can feel my teeth has gone thru the dental cleaning! hahaha

Then I had a nap from 6pm to 930pm!! Very lazy. I can't stay away from a nap in weekend as usual. Think later I need to do some questions on the practice test.. else, I won't feel comfortable.

Luckily, there is no group chat today. Else, I will be attracted and addicted again. The group chat is very FUN!

So, what's my plan for tomorrow? Start on Humanities & Social Sciences?? Perhaps, Yes. not much time left....