Friday, February 27, 2009

Killer Headache!!

After so long, there is no headache..

but in the afternoon, after lunch, i started to feel the pain. It's like a hoop tighten my head!

I know that would be getting worse. started to have pain till the eyes and back of my head around 5 something.

And I was totally can't take it around 7 something. I sat on the sofa at the lobby and really wanna give up to drive home. But was worried, if I really sleep here, what time should I wake up? till morning. coz i know it has no cure if I don't take medicine.

The pain grew when I drove. till half of my face... to the nose and whole neck was really stiff.

I drove slowly and reached home... I almost can't see clearly.

I had medicine quickly, took a bath and slept...... and now. around 12am... it has gone......

wondering why, it was so serious???? I felt like vomitting too. sigh.... Perhaps, I am too anxious again.. :(