Monday, February 16, 2009

Black Out!

When I woke up, I found myself was sweating. The weather is super hot.

I knew that I was late.. So i quickly jump out from the bed and straight away went for a bath. After changing, I suddenly felt vomitting. My stomachache is not feeling well, then I blacked out.

Luckily I was still in the bedroom, and I quickly lie down on the bed. black out for few minutes, and I found myself sweating.

I was wondering whether I should take MC for today. but I have another medical appt on Wed for my headache check up. So, I decided to go to work. I guess, my blood glucose is low in the morning.

At last, I didn't drove to the company. I had my breakfast at the canteen and took a cab. sigh, it costs me SGD27. my 5 days petrol price.

Ermm, think I am too weak. always tired and sleepy. no energy to do anything and easily get sick. I gonna do something with it. start exercising... ermm.. but i am a very lazy person. also mainly because of my eczema, I really cant sweat much. I found my eczema is coming back again. sigh........ :(