Friday, February 13, 2009


I came across of this word today.


No Doubt, I am a spiderwoman!!

What does it mean?

It describes someone who always stay online, on the WEB!!

Ermm, I am an internet addict. The first thing I open the door, I will walk to my laptop and press the "ON" button!

I can't live without Internet! I spend my whole evening online and not willing to sleep every night. Kinda crazy. Even I will ignore my husband for just concentrate on the laptop.
He wonders and is curious why am I always laughing to the PC.

Perhaps, if he turns on his MSN, we will be connected then.. hahaha...

Also, I reckon I can't live without electronics gadgets like mobile phone, nintendo, camera and ipod..

I will feel something is lacking in my life if one of them is missing.

*nearly lost my mobile phone today :( but thanks Diver Mel who found it :D*