Monday, January 26, 2009

I found it finally

I had been searching for the movie "Love Actually" everywhere in Singapore.. but couldn't find it at any of the video shops.


Really hope to watch this movie so much. On the first day in HK, when I passed by Mongkok, we went into a video shop.

I was telling John that I had been looking for the movie for daysss maybe it's too old, so i couldn't find it in Singapore. John (from Scotland) offered to look for me in UK.. after he said that words, we found it.. hahahha.. it just in front of us!

I was so happy. The DVD is just HKD69 (~SGD14)! I will bring this DVD home and watch tgt with my sis. :)

Happy Lunar New Year

Happy Ox Year to all!!
May you have a prosperous new year & all the wishes come true!
As usual, stay happy and healthy! :D
Shook Yee

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Strong or Weak

I am wondering, what kind of person I am when talk about feeling/relationship:

- a superwoman (strong externally & internally)?

Well, definitely NOT!!

- Strong externally but weak internally?

sometime I would stay very cool and feel like nothing can hurt me easily. such as: "Is that so important??", "I can stay with or without a relationship!!", "Anything can be solved easily".. Even try to be cool to laugh at ppl who is soooo sentimental.. haha!

In fact, I am easily get touched by the little sweet acts, appreciate the nice words, small gifts from someone etc etc.. I admit that I can easily cry. Not saying that crying out like a kid, just that tears will run out from my eyes when watching some touching movies, thinking back of the old memories, someone is leaving me and even on the way back from KL (just miss home).

- Weak externally but strong internally?

I could be very weak because I want people to listen to my feeling and care about me. Normally this would apply to someone that is close to me.

However, when problem really comes, I think I will face and cope with it by myself. I can cope with the pain and get throught it.
No one can actually help me because I always have my answer. Some decision could be hurting but we just have to face it.


Am I a Strong (ex) & weak (in) or Weak (ex) & Strong (in)?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The left back tyre punctured

I didn't notice about that until Melinda told me in the afternoon.

At the moment, I wasn't worried about it but when I saw the real condition of the tyre. Oh dear, it's really flat.

When I got home. ermm... I quickly asked my husband out to look for the tyre service. Too bad, it was 9pm +.

All the shops are closed. He helped to pump some air into it and hope that it will be fine after tonight.

Tomorrow morning, I gonna fetch my cousin and niece to the bus station and then rush to the office. I hope there will be nothing happen to me. It about 40km, i think.

In the afternoon, I will need to go out again to the petrol kiosk for the service repair of my car tyre.

It's bad luck. but what can I do? relax....

Saturday, January 17, 2009

LOST in the city

I am LOST..

Lost in the city center.. wandering for 30 mins. Was very worry about the petrol level. It left not much. Was flipping the maps and nervous. I couldn't find any petrol kiosk, and couldn't find the way to the expressway..

It was about 12am... alone in the city and seeing people walking around the street. discovered some new places.. many pubs and nightclubs.

Finally I found beach road.. luckily, it reminded me the way back via ECP->AYE. I drove fast. about 110-120km/h.. drifting and checking the petrol level... Luckily I came home safely after 30km drive. The meter is now pointing at "E" level..

So... What about lost in the life? If we only live once, does memory really count? I do agree with it. If we are able to choose, of course I will enjoy every moment whether it's good or bad in my life. However, things don't go the way you really wish to and there is always some limitation.

Just like losing the ways in the city. Feeling excited to discover new things, on the other hand was anxious about the way out. Also, the limitation is the petrol I have.

Well, I feel that I am lucky and happy for now... I really hope things will be fine and most importantly not hurting anyone.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Notting Hill

Notting Hill is a 1999 romantic comedy film set in Notting Hill, London, released on 21 May 1999. Bookshop owner William Thacker's world begins to turn upside down after the world's most famous actress, Anna Scott, visits his store. A few minutes later, Will knocks into Anna on the street and spills his orange juice over her. He offers her his place to change, and hence starts a tense courtship between an everyday man and the woman every man dreams of.


This movie is about 10 years old and I just have chance to watch it. =D

I like romance and comedy but I missed out many in the past years. I was too busy and lazy sometime.

I always wish that I can have such a romance relationship in my life. I hope life is not that practical sometime. Perhaps, I always live in my dreams....

"Dreams are my Reality"

The next romance movie I gonna catch will be "Love Actually" :)

Eczema Jan'09

Wondering it's getting better or worse. Comparing with last year, it seems to be better now. At least it doesn't flare up. Last year, I was a frequent patient for National Skin Center.

Recently, I feel that some parts of my body are getting worse these days. Maybe due to the weather.

Everytime I see the scars, I feel helpless :(

well, I reckon I accept the fact for some time ago. However, when I need to attend wedding dinner, invitation for a swim, going to the beach, I will be headache. :S There is always a limitation.

Yes. I am a perfectionist. Therefore, I can't showing all the scars..

Well, just to keep a record on it after sometime. Hope things will be better in 2009!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Too Tired!

I am just too tired!!

I afraid i am not able to follow with my plan for this week.

Almost everyday I have something to do after work. Just do not have enough time to study.

I am very tired. and feeling sleepy now. Coz I have been sleeping very less in this week.

This saturday, I will have karaoke session and dinner at clarke quay. Looking forward for this chill out.

And this sunday, will need to study hard again...

2 weeks later, I will be going back home for Chinese New Year. I can't wait for the days as most of my friends will be going back to KL together. I think I will enjoy the CNY very much!! :)

Still have many plans ahead. Next Monday, movie Red Cliff 2, Next Thrsday, CNY dinner with Colleagues.

Time is really not enough.. =(

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Busy Saturday!

I was woke up early today and went to East Coast Park. It has been about 4 years I didnt been there. We are looking for the Remote Control Car track. Luckily we found it but it requires to join as member. To me, the place is not very fantastic. At last, we found a open space to play with the car.

In the middle of the game, I received a sms from Chee Leong. Oh, he was interested with "Lao Beijing" buffet.

Hi-tea (Weekends & Public Holidays)

限于星期六、星期日及公共假日Available only on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday 营业时间/Business Hour3:00pm – 5:00pm (4:30pm Last Order)

成人/Adult: $15.80++ 每位/Per Person

儿童/Child: $10.80++ 每位/Per Person (3-10岁/3-10 Years)

*开胃小菜 Appetizers*

拍黄瓜 Beijing Style Cucumbers *
蒜泥白肉 Sliced Pork with Garlic Sauce *
红油千张 Sliced Beancurd Skin with Peppercorns *
香麻海蜇 Shredded Jelly Fish with Chef’s Special Spicy Sauce

*面类 Noodles*
炸酱面 “Zha Jiang” Noodles *
榨菜肉丝面 Noodles with Shredded Pork and Salted Vegetables *
四川担担面 “Dan Dan” Noodles *
北京打卤面 Beijing Style Braised Noodles “Lu Mian” *
水煮牛肉面 Spicy Beef Noodles Soup *
北京炒面 Beijing Style Fried Noodles

*点心 Pastry*
葱油饼 Onion Pancakes *
烧卖 Beijing Style Juicy “Shao Mai” *
小馅饼 Patties *
白菜猪肉水饺 Pork & Cabbage Dumplings*
三鲜水饺 Shrimp, Pork & Chive Dumplings*
小笼汤包 Steamed Juicy Meat Buns *
蒸素饺 Steamed Vegetable Dumplings*
三鲜锅贴 Shrimp, Pork & Chive Fried Dumplings *
白菜猪肉锅贴 Pork & Cabbage Fried Dumplings*
三鲜盒子 Special Fried Pancakes *
香滑奶皇包 Steamed Custard Buns*
生煎菜肉包 Pan-fried Meat Buns *
南瓜饼 Pumpkin Pancakes *
叉烧酥 Barbecue Pork Pastry

汤类 Soup*
酸辣汤 Hot & Sour Soup

甜品 Dessert*
豆沙糯米卷 Glutinous Rice Rolls Stuffed with Red Bean Paste*
杏仁豆腐 Almond Jelly with Fruits*
龟苓膏 Chilled Herbal Jelly*
时令水果 Seasonal Fruits

饮料 Special Drink*
秘制养生茶 House Special Herbal Tea

That's great! Without thinking further, we went to Plaza Singapura to meet up Chee Leong and Nicholas. This was the first time we tried the buffet. It's Beijing and Shanghai food. Well, it is not too bad, but I think we have exceed the quota. I was extremely fulled. Till now, I still have no appetite. :x Don't think I will have La Mian, Xiao Loong Bao, Sheng Jian Bao in near future. haha!

After the buffet, Erin called me up. asking for Mahjong! so, we rushed to our home for the Mahjong games. Today Chee Leong's luck is not too good. He is the only one who lost the game. Poor him! haha! Well, I know this is not the end, with his good skills, he will win again later. :)

I am thinking to organise BBQ at my home. BBQ, Mahjong and playing Wii!! :D

Actually now, I am superb tired and feeling a bit of guilty. I didn't study at all for today. ermmmm.. tomorrow I must study harder.


Friday, January 2, 2009

Kau Cim - Fortune Telling

Before I start this post, I wanna explain what is "kau cim" coz there is no exact words for this.

  • Cim Bucket (Chinese: 簽筒 pinyin qian1 tong2, cim tong) A long cylindrical bamboo cup or tube.
  • Kau Cim Sticks (Chinese: 簽, cim) are the flat sticks which are stored in the tube. Generally made of bamboo, they resemble wide, flat incense sticks, and are often painted red at one end. A single number, both in Arabic numerals and in Chinese characters, is inscribed on each stick, There are usually a total of 100 sticks in the cup, although the Chi Chi Sticks variation sold in the USA for fortune telling has only 78 sticks. Each stick has a different number on it, and no two are alike.

I went kau cim in Oct at a temple. When I got the 'cim', it saying that there will be a big change in my life and it's a good change. At that moment, I can't think of what can make this change by thinking of my current routine lifestyle.

And NOW I know WHY!!!!! :D I hope it will be real.

I will be taking GAMSAT in March. So if everything goes well, will it be a change in my life? Going for medical studies and shifting to Australia.???!!!!

Wow... I hope this is the change!! :D

I was having insomnia yesterday and thinking of soooo many things. One of them is about this. When I woke up, I feel that there is HOPE in my life..

*maybe I am thinking too much or too supertitious, but at least it has made my day ;)*

Thursday, January 1, 2009

My feeling on 1st day of 2009

Today is 1 Jan 2009!!

It's raining heavily outside. My plan is to read up some chapters for Chemistry and Biology. but I feel down. I hope I can follow my plan for today.

There is always Ups and Downs in life. I wonder if the "downs" is just created by our own? Or we choose to be down? The kind of feeling is really uncontrollable. I wish to be happy as usual, but something has made me confused. Perhaps, I am feeling something's wrong? What am I talking bout here?

Well, like what father said: "whether it is happy or sad, we still need to move on. So why not we choose to be happy?"

I should be very satisfied with my life, I have a warm & happy family, a husband, many friends that treating me good & enjoy lots of time with me. However, I am someone who like to take up challenge and excitement. I would never satisfy.

So till now, I still don't wanna settle down. I always have plans, wishes and dreams in my mind. I will never have time to settle down and don't really know what I want (character of Libra). I don't even know by when I can achieve all my plans. Sometime I start to think that I am kinda selfish.

I received one new year sms yesterday:

"Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive Quickly, Kiss slowly, Love Truly, Laugh Uncontrollably & Smile Always."

The phrases interpreted that we should live our life to the fullest with no regret.

Am I doing it now???????

Happy New Year to Everyone

Happy New Year to Everyone! It's 2009!!
My new year is nothing special. I went steamboat with my colleagues. It made me full!! I will stop steamboat for a while. I think it's just too much!! haahaha
After that I went to meet up my husband and his brother near to citihall.
I was in fact quite tired today. At the hotel, his brother gave us 2 tickets to enter the rooftop. The rooftop is actually facing Esplanade and Marina Bay. When 12am reached, we saw the fireworks.
Well, the fireworks is not very fantastic. Perhaps, this is not the first time i see fireworks from near distance.
Comparing with 10 years ago, I went count down with my classmate at KLCC, Twin towers, when i saw the fireworks near to me. I was very excited and really "Wow" all the time.
After 10 mins, the fireworks was gone and my feeling was not excited/joyful. Just tired and wish to rush home directly.
This year, I am going to be 30. Yes... it's 30. I can't believe it. What have I done so far? Anything meaningful?
My wish is to travel around the world and I am trying to fulfill it. I will achieve my dreams and wishes whenever I have chance.
But most important thing is I am happy that me and my sis have let our parents retired and bought a house for them. :)
The next wish is to bring them together for travelling.
Nothing much to hope for, and just wish that there is no pay cut or retrenchment in 2009! :D
Wishing all my family, relatives and friends have a wonderful new year ahead!
Stay Happy & Healthy Always