Thursday, January 1, 2009

My feeling on 1st day of 2009

Today is 1 Jan 2009!!

It's raining heavily outside. My plan is to read up some chapters for Chemistry and Biology. but I feel down. I hope I can follow my plan for today.

There is always Ups and Downs in life. I wonder if the "downs" is just created by our own? Or we choose to be down? The kind of feeling is really uncontrollable. I wish to be happy as usual, but something has made me confused. Perhaps, I am feeling something's wrong? What am I talking bout here?

Well, like what father said: "whether it is happy or sad, we still need to move on. So why not we choose to be happy?"

I should be very satisfied with my life, I have a warm & happy family, a husband, many friends that treating me good & enjoy lots of time with me. However, I am someone who like to take up challenge and excitement. I would never satisfy.

So till now, I still don't wanna settle down. I always have plans, wishes and dreams in my mind. I will never have time to settle down and don't really know what I want (character of Libra). I don't even know by when I can achieve all my plans. Sometime I start to think that I am kinda selfish.

I received one new year sms yesterday:

"Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive Quickly, Kiss slowly, Love Truly, Laugh Uncontrollably & Smile Always."

The phrases interpreted that we should live our life to the fullest with no regret.

Am I doing it now???????