Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year to Everyone

Happy New Year to Everyone! It's 2009!!
My new year is nothing special. I went steamboat with my colleagues. It made me full!! I will stop steamboat for a while. I think it's just too much!! haahaha
After that I went to meet up my husband and his brother near to citihall.
I was in fact quite tired today. At the hotel, his brother gave us 2 tickets to enter the rooftop. The rooftop is actually facing Esplanade and Marina Bay. When 12am reached, we saw the fireworks.
Well, the fireworks is not very fantastic. Perhaps, this is not the first time i see fireworks from near distance.
Comparing with 10 years ago, I went count down with my classmate at KLCC, Twin towers, when i saw the fireworks near to me. I was very excited and really "Wow" all the time.
After 10 mins, the fireworks was gone and my feeling was not excited/joyful. Just tired and wish to rush home directly.
This year, I am going to be 30. Yes... it's 30. I can't believe it. What have I done so far? Anything meaningful?
My wish is to travel around the world and I am trying to fulfill it. I will achieve my dreams and wishes whenever I have chance.
But most important thing is I am happy that me and my sis have let our parents retired and bought a house for them. :)
The next wish is to bring them together for travelling.
Nothing much to hope for, and just wish that there is no pay cut or retrenchment in 2009! :D
Wishing all my family, relatives and friends have a wonderful new year ahead!
Stay Happy & Healthy Always