Friday, January 2, 2009

Kau Cim - Fortune Telling

Before I start this post, I wanna explain what is "kau cim" coz there is no exact words for this.

  • Cim Bucket (Chinese: 簽筒 pinyin qian1 tong2, cim tong) A long cylindrical bamboo cup or tube.
  • Kau Cim Sticks (Chinese: 簽, cim) are the flat sticks which are stored in the tube. Generally made of bamboo, they resemble wide, flat incense sticks, and are often painted red at one end. A single number, both in Arabic numerals and in Chinese characters, is inscribed on each stick, There are usually a total of 100 sticks in the cup, although the Chi Chi Sticks variation sold in the USA for fortune telling has only 78 sticks. Each stick has a different number on it, and no two are alike.

I went kau cim in Oct at a temple. When I got the 'cim', it saying that there will be a big change in my life and it's a good change. At that moment, I can't think of what can make this change by thinking of my current routine lifestyle.

And NOW I know WHY!!!!! :D I hope it will be real.

I will be taking GAMSAT in March. So if everything goes well, will it be a change in my life? Going for medical studies and shifting to Australia.???!!!!

Wow... I hope this is the change!! :D

I was having insomnia yesterday and thinking of soooo many things. One of them is about this. When I woke up, I feel that there is HOPE in my life..

*maybe I am thinking too much or too supertitious, but at least it has made my day ;)*