Thursday, January 22, 2009

Strong or Weak

I am wondering, what kind of person I am when talk about feeling/relationship:

- a superwoman (strong externally & internally)?

Well, definitely NOT!!

- Strong externally but weak internally?

sometime I would stay very cool and feel like nothing can hurt me easily. such as: "Is that so important??", "I can stay with or without a relationship!!", "Anything can be solved easily".. Even try to be cool to laugh at ppl who is soooo sentimental.. haha!

In fact, I am easily get touched by the little sweet acts, appreciate the nice words, small gifts from someone etc etc.. I admit that I can easily cry. Not saying that crying out like a kid, just that tears will run out from my eyes when watching some touching movies, thinking back of the old memories, someone is leaving me and even on the way back from KL (just miss home).

- Weak externally but strong internally?

I could be very weak because I want people to listen to my feeling and care about me. Normally this would apply to someone that is close to me.

However, when problem really comes, I think I will face and cope with it by myself. I can cope with the pain and get throught it.
No one can actually help me because I always have my answer. Some decision could be hurting but we just have to face it.


Am I a Strong (ex) & weak (in) or Weak (ex) & Strong (in)?