Saturday, January 3, 2009

Busy Saturday!

I was woke up early today and went to East Coast Park. It has been about 4 years I didnt been there. We are looking for the Remote Control Car track. Luckily we found it but it requires to join as member. To me, the place is not very fantastic. At last, we found a open space to play with the car.

In the middle of the game, I received a sms from Chee Leong. Oh, he was interested with "Lao Beijing" buffet.

Hi-tea (Weekends & Public Holidays)

限于星期六、星期日及公共假日Available only on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday 营业时间/Business Hour3:00pm – 5:00pm (4:30pm Last Order)

成人/Adult: $15.80++ 每位/Per Person

儿童/Child: $10.80++ 每位/Per Person (3-10岁/3-10 Years)

*开胃小菜 Appetizers*

拍黄瓜 Beijing Style Cucumbers *
蒜泥白肉 Sliced Pork with Garlic Sauce *
红油千张 Sliced Beancurd Skin with Peppercorns *
香麻海蜇 Shredded Jelly Fish with Chef’s Special Spicy Sauce

*面类 Noodles*
炸酱面 “Zha Jiang” Noodles *
榨菜肉丝面 Noodles with Shredded Pork and Salted Vegetables *
四川担担面 “Dan Dan” Noodles *
北京打卤面 Beijing Style Braised Noodles “Lu Mian” *
水煮牛肉面 Spicy Beef Noodles Soup *
北京炒面 Beijing Style Fried Noodles

*点心 Pastry*
葱油饼 Onion Pancakes *
烧卖 Beijing Style Juicy “Shao Mai” *
小馅饼 Patties *
白菜猪肉水饺 Pork & Cabbage Dumplings*
三鲜水饺 Shrimp, Pork & Chive Dumplings*
小笼汤包 Steamed Juicy Meat Buns *
蒸素饺 Steamed Vegetable Dumplings*
三鲜锅贴 Shrimp, Pork & Chive Fried Dumplings *
白菜猪肉锅贴 Pork & Cabbage Fried Dumplings*
三鲜盒子 Special Fried Pancakes *
香滑奶皇包 Steamed Custard Buns*
生煎菜肉包 Pan-fried Meat Buns *
南瓜饼 Pumpkin Pancakes *
叉烧酥 Barbecue Pork Pastry

汤类 Soup*
酸辣汤 Hot & Sour Soup

甜品 Dessert*
豆沙糯米卷 Glutinous Rice Rolls Stuffed with Red Bean Paste*
杏仁豆腐 Almond Jelly with Fruits*
龟苓膏 Chilled Herbal Jelly*
时令水果 Seasonal Fruits

饮料 Special Drink*
秘制养生茶 House Special Herbal Tea

That's great! Without thinking further, we went to Plaza Singapura to meet up Chee Leong and Nicholas. This was the first time we tried the buffet. It's Beijing and Shanghai food. Well, it is not too bad, but I think we have exceed the quota. I was extremely fulled. Till now, I still have no appetite. :x Don't think I will have La Mian, Xiao Loong Bao, Sheng Jian Bao in near future. haha!

After the buffet, Erin called me up. asking for Mahjong! so, we rushed to our home for the Mahjong games. Today Chee Leong's luck is not too good. He is the only one who lost the game. Poor him! haha! Well, I know this is not the end, with his good skills, he will win again later. :)

I am thinking to organise BBQ at my home. BBQ, Mahjong and playing Wii!! :D

Actually now, I am superb tired and feeling a bit of guilty. I didn't study at all for today. ermmmm.. tomorrow I must study harder.
