Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hope that I will get well soon

This time round is my stomach. I am having gastric. This is the worse and nightmare for me.

Today it's the third day. Well, I hope it will get well soon. Comparing with days before, at least it is not that pain without touching it.

I don't wanna have another scope check up for my body.

So far, I think i have many extra check up..

1) ENT check for my sinus
2) Pap Smear
3) CT scan for my brain
4) Abdomen scanning
5) X-ray for my spine (corcsics)
6) X-ray on my palm

plus others standard body check up with X ray.

I hope this time no need to go to endo scope check to my stomach. I think above check up, except for X ray and Abdomen scanning. Others are quite scary for me! It's painful!!!

Well, my stomach is still bloated... sigh... it's like having 4 months baby.. hahahaha!

When does it become flat again? and not pain....

Friday, March 27, 2009

Just not feeling too well

The weather is changing. It's too hot in the afternoon, especially after lunch. I am melting and burning.

In this 2 weeks, I just feel burning.. and headache!
I have been sleeping early these days as I really feeling not well!!

I hope the weather will change soon.

Well, after I have finish my exams, I feel my life is a bit empty. Nothing to work on... as if there is no plan ahead. Am I waiting for my training?

Everything is not confirmed yet. Well, I hope things at least to be confirmed soon, so i can play ahead.

At least for my piano class, or maybe.. blading?!

Works is getting more and more. I am not only working on Test Engineering, and seems like I have never put down my Product Engineering jobs...

It's good that there is still WORKS for us.... not to be retrenched at this moment. However, Sometime i just feel that I can't take it!

Time can pass by faster.. perhaps.. but sometime, I have been working for half a day, nothing concrete has been done. Sigh...

I must work on my own plan.. plan for something.. to be done... in Test Engineering every week.

Satisfied that there is some assignment to start on this week and succesfully done a few. I hope later on.. more to come and more to learn...

(really wanna get rid of production job!!)


I love this song recently. Always listen to it when I am driving. I hope I can sing as well as the singer. :) Hope you will like it as well.

It's so sweet! :)

*Please off the sound of the background music before playing this video

L.O.V.E - Olivia Ong

Sunday, March 22, 2009

What a Remote Control Car!!

Baja 5T!!! What can I describe about it is........................EXPENSIVE!!!! (& noisy)
It costs the price of a motorcycle!!!
Well, this is my husband's new toy!! His toy is getting bigger and bigger!

This morning, he woke me up from my sweet dream and drag me to East Coast Park... It would be better if the weather is not so hot....
I sat back, relax and listening to songs... seeing how he play.. well, can see that he is really happy that someone accompany him to play.. (just like a kid :P)..

well, it's good for me to take a break after months of study at home.

Can't wait to drink!

When I passed by Marks and Spencer yesterday, I saw different taste of soup.. Really wanted to buy all. But I was very tired after 6 hours of exams, and before that I bought an oven... I was dragging my oven actually.. hahaa

At last, I bought 4 soups.. "winter vegetables", "Minestrone", "Leek & Potatoes" & "Carrot & Coriander"..

Can't wait to try them up!!

I guess, tonight I will make Carbonara with this soup for my dinner :o)

GAMSAT is over

Yeah. I have done the 3 papers.

They are difficult for me as it seems to be not enough time to finish the questions.

Perhaps, I am too old and my brain has degraded. I have confident that I could answer the questions, but just can't finish some of them :(

Well Well, It's over. Yesterday was really a challenge for me! It has been years I didn't use my brain.....

and now my neck is pain as my head was down for about 6 hours ....

I will see how's the results. It's not really that important now cause I had done my best (perhaps).. hahha

It's time to celebrate and play!! :)

Plans ahead: Plan for trips, Learn Italian, Learn Piano (need to be postponed) and maybe go hang out more with friends :D

Friday, March 20, 2009

3 Quizzes and same results!

I took 3 different quizes in facebook and gave me almost the same results.
Shooky took Your ideal job. quiz and the result is Doctor/Nurse.You are keen on finding a cure, and enjoy saving lives and helping people. When someone is hurt you are first to help out and diagnose the problem, so grab the gloves & get operating!
Shooky took Dream Job quiz and the result is DoctorYou can handle anything and love to help. Your smart and always know what you're doing.
Shooky took in 5 years time you will be.... quiz and the result is you will be very sucessfull!you will be a very sucessful person. somthing along the lines of a doctor or even a member of parlement will your intelectual skills.
Tomorrow will be my GAMSAT exams. Yes. a trial for the mecidine admission test to Australia.
Wish myself best of luck and hope my DREAM come true. :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I can't bear of the weather. It's very hot! Especially during the lunch time. I think my sweat flew from my back to my pants!!

I can't even hold my car steering and gear! It was burning. Everyone in my car was shouting. When I pushed the Outside Temperature thermometer button of my car, it shown 39 Degree!

It's horrible. I hope tonight I can have a good night sleep...

I can feel that my skin begins to feel itch.. arggggh...

Today I learn something: Oggi Fa Caldo! (Today is Hot)

Hope i can learn some italian everyday... :)

Few more weeks to go before leaving to Sicily. I had a happy dream yesterday which I went to Venice! I was alone coz my sis can't afford to buy the ticket to fly from Malaysia to Venice.

I rented a boat and row by myself, visiting different small islands in Venice. Even I visited the Glass Musuem.. hahaha. It was so small...

I must be thinking of going to Venice too much... The ticket from Sicily to Venice is about SGD400 and I plan to go for 2D 2N maybe... Only I afraid is alone.. where I will reach there at night.. ermmm... scared!

Hope to get somebody to go with me...... Venice is really my dream place beside Paris & Santorini.

I should start to plan for the trip next week then... :)

Well well, the nice flowers are all wittered from the trees around NTU. I misses taking pics with my camera..

I miss the nice scenery few days ago.. it really brighten up my days...


This saturday. will be having my exams... I almost study until saturated level... will take a serious study on this Friday definitely. Last preparation to face the real war!!


These days, I have been very busy in the office. I am learning new things everyday on the tester programming platform. Modification of program... At least something to look for everyday.

However, I have some hard time as I am still working on production. 2 technologies and attending meetingsssss, reporting...

How I wish I can full time concentrate on programming so that I can improve fast and contribute to the team..

hahahha..talking about this, I suppose not someone who is so interested in my job.. not someone who like to contribute to the company... but one motivation for me to do this should be the challenge. Somehow, I like something new & challenging... Anyway, I don't know when will this "fire" will put off.. haha


Arggh... molto caldo!! I need to go for a bath now.... ciao!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Beautiful Pathway

When I went out from my house just now, I saw beautiful trees grow with pinky and white flowers.. the flowers are dropping when blow by the wind. It's really a beautiful scenery ever I can find near to me!
Many passersby stop at the pathway and take pics of the trees.. some cars even covered with flowers.. :D
It brights up my day :)

Plan for this crucial week

Getting stress... and stress...
I will plan to study seriously in this week. No outing at night. Spend lesser time on the web..
Revise everything all over again.. and most importantly SLEEP early.
Next Saturday I gonna register for the exams at 815am!!!
that's my time to wake up every morning... arrghhh.. really worry that I will overslept or look like a zombie with rusted brain.
Deeply wish that I will not fall sick in this week!
I believe, once I turn on my engine.. It will be hard to stop...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Good News!!!

Many Good News from our family today!!!
Theng Theng, my niece gets 10As in her SPM!!! Straight As. So unexpected.. our whole family is really proud of her!
Now she gonna apply for ASEAN scholarship for her A level studies in Singapore.
May things go well for her, and she definitely will have a bright future. One thing I admire her is her personality who is always Happy-Go-Lucky!! :D

Another good news is... My Sis, Jess has promoted to Senior Manager!! Wow.. Hardwork really counts! :) Good job, sis!

These news has brighten up my day!!

Congratulations again! :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


It was 2 years ago I been to Italy for my training. Was new, excited and also worry about the work. It was my first time to Europe. The last trip was a bit bored but it was an eye opening for me. I have a good chance to travel around Europe.
I never thought of the second chance to travel again to Italy. This time will be in Sicily for one month. If things go smoothly, the plan will be started in mid of April.
The main thing that gonna do this time is to learn programming. Then will transfer a new product back to singapore... doing electrical analysis.. and program modification. I bet the job will be more meaningful if i have the competency. Will try my best to learn.
Beside working, I will try to enjoy my life in Italy. I love the food as usual. :) Will try some wine & cheese! Experiencing the local life and know more ppl. I must learn more Italian before I go!! Where is my teacher??!! Must have intensive course then..
If I go for one month, I plan to go to 2 places - Venice? Capri Island? Santorini? Florence?or visit my friends in UK and Switzerland?
Well, well, the nearest thing to me is my admission test. after the last weekend of enjoyment, I think I have formatted my brain.. haha!!
I must keep the momentum.. Starting to study in the office tomorrow during lunch time? for this one week plus?!
many plans ahead..... happy, confused, excited, worry.... the mixture of feeling.

Weekend with old friends :)

First time inviting my friends to my home for BBQ.
Things gone well, and we really had fun that day.

Nice tree, sky, cloud, sea and people..hehhe :D
Short trip at East Coast Park!

Me, Sook Kuen, Sook Leng, Gee Gee and Chee Leong..

Rare chance for us to have outing in Singapore!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


This week is really different for me. I was very busy in the office. Besides attending meetings, discussion, I have to manage production, projects, trials and also reports..

Argghhh.. I hardly have time to rest!

It's always like that in works. It's either very busy or free. so when i got back home, like now, I feel exhausted!

I have no energy to do anything. can't study.. no mood to chat.. and hope to sleep early today.

tomorrow will be my last day for the week. I hope i can work on something for my exams. And this coming weekend, my primary schoolmates will be here. :)

I bet we will have fun again..

I do start to think what can I do after the exams? I will be having 4 days week.. more free time?
going home more often? learning piano class? or go travel? learning italiano?

ermmm... let's see..

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunny and Quiet Sunday

It's sunny outside.. and very quiet. I can hear birds singing, sounds from the leaves..

Listening to songs from "Jazz in the City". So, what's my plan for today?

Ermmm.. Will continue to study Biology. hope that I can finish the text book today. If there is time, I will give myself a break later - to watch Slumdog Millionaire.

I hope..

So far, I think I need to research on one more topic about "Mutan", really don't know what is that. No idea at all...

Paper 1: humanities & social science, I think I will redo all the questions again.

Paper 2: written communication.. ermmm. All depends on my luck perhaps. I seldom read and write.

Paper 3: Bio, Chem, Phy.. almost cover 80%.. left some doubts behind. Need to find out before the test.

Well, though the confidence on this paper is not high, but still I will try my best. At least, I think I got to know more about chem, bio in this period. My brain has started to work out again. :)

For my job, will be converting to a programmer soon. I think the confidence in here is worse than taking the admission papers. sigh... I don't know what will happen to me.. for anything, just will try my best. Hope I won't disappoint anyone. :S

Almost one month, I didn't go hang out with my friends. Well, for few reasons behind: always tired, can't leave my studies, pay cut, and lazy. I do enjoy the time to be alone at home sometime.. So I have time for myself, to think... and think......

ermmm... i need a break after my exams.. hope to go for a short trip. Bali? Tioman? It has been a long time I didn't go to the beach.. (except St. Kilda and great ocean road.. haha).. I mean, it's going for snorkelling. But, can my skin take the sea water??? I even dreamt of go snorkelling with my sis and Diver Mel last friday.. haha!

Let's see if any trip can work out after my exams....