Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunny and Quiet Sunday

It's sunny outside.. and very quiet. I can hear birds singing, sounds from the leaves..

Listening to songs from "Jazz in the City". So, what's my plan for today?

Ermmm.. Will continue to study Biology. hope that I can finish the text book today. If there is time, I will give myself a break later - to watch Slumdog Millionaire.

I hope..

So far, I think I need to research on one more topic about "Mutan", really don't know what is that. No idea at all...

Paper 1: humanities & social science, I think I will redo all the questions again.

Paper 2: written communication.. ermmm. All depends on my luck perhaps. I seldom read and write.

Paper 3: Bio, Chem, Phy.. almost cover 80%.. left some doubts behind. Need to find out before the test.

Well, though the confidence on this paper is not high, but still I will try my best. At least, I think I got to know more about chem, bio in this period. My brain has started to work out again. :)

For my job, will be converting to a programmer soon. I think the confidence in here is worse than taking the admission papers. sigh... I don't know what will happen to me.. for anything, just will try my best. Hope I won't disappoint anyone. :S

Almost one month, I didn't go hang out with my friends. Well, for few reasons behind: always tired, can't leave my studies, pay cut, and lazy. I do enjoy the time to be alone at home sometime.. So I have time for myself, to think... and think......

ermmm... i need a break after my exams.. hope to go for a short trip. Bali? Tioman? It has been a long time I didn't go to the beach.. (except St. Kilda and great ocean road.. haha).. I mean, it's going for snorkelling. But, can my skin take the sea water??? I even dreamt of go snorkelling with my sis and Diver Mel last friday.. haha!

Let's see if any trip can work out after my exams....