Wednesday, March 4, 2009


This week is really different for me. I was very busy in the office. Besides attending meetings, discussion, I have to manage production, projects, trials and also reports..

Argghhh.. I hardly have time to rest!

It's always like that in works. It's either very busy or free. so when i got back home, like now, I feel exhausted!

I have no energy to do anything. can't study.. no mood to chat.. and hope to sleep early today.

tomorrow will be my last day for the week. I hope i can work on something for my exams. And this coming weekend, my primary schoolmates will be here. :)

I bet we will have fun again..

I do start to think what can I do after the exams? I will be having 4 days week.. more free time?
going home more often? learning piano class? or go travel? learning italiano?

ermmm... let's see..


Sally Yip said...

Hello dear, do take some time for yourself and mind to relax and refresh, and of course for your beloved too. See you soon! Sally