Tuesday, March 10, 2009


It was 2 years ago I been to Italy for my training. Was new, excited and also worry about the work. It was my first time to Europe. The last trip was a bit bored but it was an eye opening for me. I have a good chance to travel around Europe.
I never thought of the second chance to travel again to Italy. This time will be in Sicily for one month. If things go smoothly, the plan will be started in mid of April.
The main thing that gonna do this time is to learn programming. Then will transfer a new product back to singapore... doing electrical analysis.. and program modification. I bet the job will be more meaningful if i have the competency. Will try my best to learn.
Beside working, I will try to enjoy my life in Italy. I love the food as usual. :) Will try some wine & cheese! Experiencing the local life and know more ppl. I must learn more Italian before I go!! Where is my teacher??!! Must have intensive course then..
If I go for one month, I plan to go to 2 places - Venice? Capri Island? Santorini? Florence?or visit my friends in UK and Switzerland?
Well, well, the nearest thing to me is my admission test. after the last weekend of enjoyment, I think I have formatted my brain.. haha!!
I must keep the momentum.. Starting to study in the office tomorrow during lunch time? for this one week plus?!
many plans ahead..... happy, confused, excited, worry.... the mixture of feeling.