Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I can't bear of the weather. It's very hot! Especially during the lunch time. I think my sweat flew from my back to my pants!!

I can't even hold my car steering and gear! It was burning. Everyone in my car was shouting. When I pushed the Outside Temperature thermometer button of my car, it shown 39 Degree!

It's horrible. I hope tonight I can have a good night sleep...

I can feel that my skin begins to feel itch.. arggggh...

Today I learn something: Oggi Fa Caldo! (Today is Hot)

Hope i can learn some italian everyday... :)

Few more weeks to go before leaving to Sicily. I had a happy dream yesterday which I went to Venice! I was alone coz my sis can't afford to buy the ticket to fly from Malaysia to Venice.

I rented a boat and row by myself, visiting different small islands in Venice. Even I visited the Glass Musuem.. hahaha. It was so small...

I must be thinking of going to Venice too much... The ticket from Sicily to Venice is about SGD400 and I plan to go for 2D 2N maybe... Only I afraid is alone.. where I will reach there at night.. ermmm... scared!

Hope to get somebody to go with me...... Venice is really my dream place beside Paris & Santorini.

I should start to plan for the trip next week then... :)

Well well, the nice flowers are all wittered from the trees around NTU. I misses taking pics with my camera..

I miss the nice scenery few days ago.. it really brighten up my days...


This saturday. will be having my exams... I almost study until saturated level... will take a serious study on this Friday definitely. Last preparation to face the real war!!


These days, I have been very busy in the office. I am learning new things everyday on the tester programming platform. Modification of program... At least something to look for everyday.

However, I have some hard time as I am still working on production. 2 technologies and attending meetingsssss, reporting...

How I wish I can full time concentrate on programming so that I can improve fast and contribute to the team..

hahahha..talking about this, I suppose not someone who is so interested in my job.. not someone who like to contribute to the company... but one motivation for me to do this should be the challenge. Somehow, I like something new & challenging... Anyway, I don't know when will this "fire" will put off.. haha


Arggh... molto caldo!! I need to go for a bath now.... ciao!