Monday, December 29, 2008

My New Year Plan!! - 2009

I was thinking what is my new year plan for 2009??

I have lots of things wanted to do....

travelling - my first hobby and always wanted to do so
migrate to australia??
to be a doctor - my ambition since 6 years old.

I don't know why? I have been rejected for NUS medical school for the application last year and at that moment, I think that I should give up and bury my dreams.

When I was thinking... thinking about my new year plan yesterday. What am I going to do in next year, next 5 years, 10 years..... I, I don't wanna be an engineer! After working for 4 years + in Engineering industries, I think I just work for the money. I don't have the passion at all. However, I always do my best in whatever I am working on... But can I really stay on with this job nature for the next 20 years? 30 years???

Why don't I give a trial again for medicine course application? And this time I will try on Australia since I like this place.

I checked online. For international graduate students, we need a first degree + GAMSAT test + interview in order to apply for the course. Without hesitating, I have signed up for the exams and bought some reading materials online as the closing date is on 5 Jan 2009.

The exam will be in 21 March 2009. there will be 3 papers (total 5.5hrs):-
1) Humanities & Social Science
2) Communication Written Test
3) Chem, Bio, Physics

I won't think of the school fees and living expenses at the moment. Will concentrate on the exams. 10 days later I will receive the reading materials. I hope I can make use of the next 2 months study hard on it. The only thing I am worried is the last time i learn Chem & Bio was 9 to 11 years ago.. I suppose I have forget about 90%. I really need to revise on some basic pure sciences later.

Well, the test is not cheap (~600AUD). However, I believe I have no regret on this trial. Perhaps, this will change my life.... Will try my best with no regret! ;)

What's my birthdate means??

You never live your life in the way others want you to. You are an independent individual who loves challenges and excitement. You are ready to ace with the result of your decision. You are usually the one your friends count on.
Your Love, Because you love excitements, you occasionally get involved in forbidden love affairs. You may fall in love with a married person and no one can stop you from making progress. You are very charming, although you might not realize it.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

X'mas with Family :D

Father, Mummy, Theng Theng and En are here in Singapore.
We went X'mas shopping at Orchard. Yes, Again!I can't control myself and bought a skirt, a pair of shoes, skincare and some presents for the family. I don't dare to count how much did I spent... haha..luckily there is bonus for this month to support their expenses.:p

Besides, we played mahjong almost every night as we finally have enough players at home. :D
This X'mas is not very special but I am very happy because I spent the time with my family.
Here are some shots taken in these few days:

En En & me at Takashimaya

Mahjong Time

Theng Theng & Me

Mummy & I

En En & Fung at Lecture Theatre :D

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Headache & Eczema (Dec)

It has been about 3 months I am taking the treatment for my headache.

I only experienced once after i hit the rain after lunch. It is really a very good improvement!

I hope by Feb, my headache problem will be cure. According to doctor, it will change my chemistry in my brain. In fact, I have a better sleep every night.


About my eczema, it still come and go... recently a bit serious and I hope it will be gone away soon. I need to attend my cousin's wedding on this coming Saturday.

How I wish, I can wear sleeveless, bare back, bikini... but too bad, I have too many scars.... sigh.... everytime I also have hard time to choose a nice dress....

Well, It's already better comparing to last time.... at least i am not suffering so much...

Hope this eczema will be gone like my headache... :)

Friday, December 19, 2008

X'mas is coming

Yeah!! X'mas 2008 is around the corner *** This will be my last christmas before 30. ***

Below are my pre-X'mas actions:

14 Dec - I went for Christmas Shopping. I bought a jazz CD from THAT CD SHOP. I have been looking for Jazz & Blue Songs collection that I like for few years. I spent sometime listening to the songs in the shop and luckily I found there are few collections from "High Society". Well, that's my X'mas gift for myself. :)

Then I accompany a friend to buy presents for his family and he is able to buy 4/5 presents. From what i see, I feel that he is an idealist and a caring person. So far, I only met 1 or 2 guys who will choose present for someone they love. I am very impressed!!

16 Dec - I had a christmas party with my close colleagues at Ben and Jerry's, Dempsey Hill.
It was fun and we exchanged gifts. Although it's just a small gathering, but it was very meaningful. So far, I am happy working and have fun with my group of colleagues.

I received a bottle of shower gel from Lising. <:o)

18 Dec - I had X'mas (also farewell) dinner with my friend. He has left today back home for his X'mas holiday. We have Spanish food at Clarke Quay beside Singapore River. Then we walked around Clarke Quay and I found that it has been years I didn't really go around that place. It changed a lot. Many new restaurants and pubs. I wish to go there again.

Oh yeah, I was so touched that I received a X'mas present yesterday. :) It was a surprise for me. I like it very much. *Thanks!*

It was a memorable and enjoyable night.

So, what are the next plans ahead to welcome this coming X'mas?????

My wishes for this X'mas:

- I wish, I hope, I can lead to a simple and happy life

- All my family and friends will have a wonderful X'mas and happy new year ahead!

Love & hugs,

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Virgo? Libra?

My Birthday: 23 September

For 29 years, I have been believing my zodiac is Virgo. However, I got to know that I am a Libra too. Just that I can't accept it as I think that my characters match with Virgo.. Few days ago, I got to know that the correct one is Libra...

some people says, you are a Virgo + Libra and you will have both zodiac characters. But after I read about Libra, i started to believe it.....

Here's the check list on the personality traits of both zodiac in me:


Analytical / critical / insightful
Precise / meticulous
Orderly / methodical
Practical / pragmatic
Mental / intelligent / inquiring
Responsible / reliable
Shrewd / witty / clever
Conservative / conventional
Refined / polite / well mannered
Hygienic / clean
Reserved / cool / undemonstrative


Diplomatic / compromising however possibly manipulative
Fair / balanced / impartial
Idealistic (in relationships)
Sociable and easy-going,love having people around them
Indecisive / changeable
Peace loving
Elegant / graceful
Refined / artistic / good taste
Pleasure oriented
Sensitive to others
Analytical, clear-minded and logical, however still manages to be gullible and influenceable, naive
Romantic, strongly interested in the opposite sex
Flirty / frivolous however loyal in marriage

After reviewing it, I think I am more on Libra... Yes... I am a Libra!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Picking Up a New Language!

Ermmm... which language I am picking up now?

after japanese... and I almost forget 80%, and now I have a new mission...

I am actually picking up Italiano..

Well, I have been working in an Italian company for 2 years plus... also have been sending to Milano for few months of training. However, I am hardly speak and listen to it...

Till last month, I got to know an Italian friend and I am surprised that we can get together so well. We are just now old friendsss.... and I start to ask about things related to Italian... and start to learn some phrases... Now I am still a beginner...picking up daily and slowly.

At least, there is an environment for me to practise.... :)

The language is not easy... really.... too many grammar... hopefully, i can learn a bit before he leave next year...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Wow, I have stopped blogging for quite sometime. Yes.. really hard to sit down quietly alone like last time to write my blog. Time is just not enough for my own every night after work.

Well, well, one month ago, me and my sis went to Melbourne. It was a big shock when we about to check in at the airport because we didn't know that we need a VISA to go there! We did not apply the visa... our face turned green at that moment. Luckily! Singapore T3 offers instant electronics VISA for Australia... Peeeuuuw.....

The main places we went in Victoria was Phillip Island, Yarra Valley, Great Ocean Road, Grampian National Park and also Melbourne City. It was really fantastic. We deeply thanked my friend, Soong Wei for the hospitality. He is really great and made our dreamscome true.

I enjoy the life in Melbourne very much. The weather, scenery, air, people, environment and food! We were so down and didn't wish to leave such a wonderful place... How I wish to work there someday in future...

Yarra Valley

Phillip Island

12th Apostles, Great Ocean Road