Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Wow, I have stopped blogging for quite sometime. Yes.. really hard to sit down quietly alone like last time to write my blog. Time is just not enough for my own every night after work.

Well, well, one month ago, me and my sis went to Melbourne. It was a big shock when we about to check in at the airport because we didn't know that we need a VISA to go there! We did not apply the visa... our face turned green at that moment. Luckily! Singapore T3 offers instant electronics VISA for Australia... Peeeuuuw.....

The main places we went in Victoria was Phillip Island, Yarra Valley, Great Ocean Road, Grampian National Park and also Melbourne City. It was really fantastic. We deeply thanked my friend, Soong Wei for the hospitality. He is really great and made our dreamscome true.

I enjoy the life in Melbourne very much. The weather, scenery, air, people, environment and food! We were so down and didn't wish to leave such a wonderful place... How I wish to work there someday in future...

Yarra Valley

Phillip Island

12th Apostles, Great Ocean Road