Friday, December 19, 2008

X'mas is coming

Yeah!! X'mas 2008 is around the corner *** This will be my last christmas before 30. ***

Below are my pre-X'mas actions:

14 Dec - I went for Christmas Shopping. I bought a jazz CD from THAT CD SHOP. I have been looking for Jazz & Blue Songs collection that I like for few years. I spent sometime listening to the songs in the shop and luckily I found there are few collections from "High Society". Well, that's my X'mas gift for myself. :)

Then I accompany a friend to buy presents for his family and he is able to buy 4/5 presents. From what i see, I feel that he is an idealist and a caring person. So far, I only met 1 or 2 guys who will choose present for someone they love. I am very impressed!!

16 Dec - I had a christmas party with my close colleagues at Ben and Jerry's, Dempsey Hill.
It was fun and we exchanged gifts. Although it's just a small gathering, but it was very meaningful. So far, I am happy working and have fun with my group of colleagues.

I received a bottle of shower gel from Lising. <:o)

18 Dec - I had X'mas (also farewell) dinner with my friend. He has left today back home for his X'mas holiday. We have Spanish food at Clarke Quay beside Singapore River. Then we walked around Clarke Quay and I found that it has been years I didn't really go around that place. It changed a lot. Many new restaurants and pubs. I wish to go there again.

Oh yeah, I was so touched that I received a X'mas present yesterday. :) It was a surprise for me. I like it very much. *Thanks!*

It was a memorable and enjoyable night.

So, what are the next plans ahead to welcome this coming X'mas?????

My wishes for this X'mas:

- I wish, I hope, I can lead to a simple and happy life

- All my family and friends will have a wonderful X'mas and happy new year ahead!

Love & hugs,