Tuesday, December 23, 2008

X'mas with Family :D

Father, Mummy, Theng Theng and En are here in Singapore.
We went X'mas shopping at Orchard. Yes, Again!I can't control myself and bought a skirt, a pair of shoes, skincare and some presents for the family. I don't dare to count how much did I spent... haha..luckily there is bonus for this month to support their expenses.:p

Besides, we played mahjong almost every night as we finally have enough players at home. :D
This X'mas is not very special but I am very happy because I spent the time with my family.
Here are some shots taken in these few days:

En En & me at Takashimaya

Mahjong Time

Theng Theng & Me

Mummy & I

En En & Fung at Lecture Theatre :D