Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Virgo? Libra?

My Birthday: 23 September

For 29 years, I have been believing my zodiac is Virgo. However, I got to know that I am a Libra too. Just that I can't accept it as I think that my characters match with Virgo.. Few days ago, I got to know that the correct one is Libra...

some people says, you are a Virgo + Libra and you will have both zodiac characters. But after I read about Libra, i started to believe it.....

Here's the check list on the personality traits of both zodiac in me:


Analytical / critical / insightful
Precise / meticulous
Orderly / methodical
Practical / pragmatic
Mental / intelligent / inquiring
Responsible / reliable
Shrewd / witty / clever
Conservative / conventional
Refined / polite / well mannered
Hygienic / clean
Reserved / cool / undemonstrative


Diplomatic / compromising however possibly manipulative
Fair / balanced / impartial
Idealistic (in relationships)
Sociable and easy-going,love having people around them
Indecisive / changeable
Peace loving
Elegant / graceful
Refined / artistic / good taste
Pleasure oriented
Sensitive to others
Analytical, clear-minded and logical, however still manages to be gullible and influenceable, naive
Romantic, strongly interested in the opposite sex
Flirty / frivolous however loyal in marriage

After reviewing it, I think I am more on Libra... Yes... I am a Libra!