Monday, March 31, 2008

Shanghai 2008

Updated Shanghai Trip pics from 22 Mar to 29 Mar...

Rating: 4 stars

Friday, March 14, 2008

Headache again... Tension Headache

Headache again.. Is this the first time in this month? My headache is getting very often.
sigh... Perhaps, I didn't sleep well these days and have been thinking too much.
It is terribly busy in past few days.. I didn't have mood to eat out...
Cooking noodles and facing the PC for few nights. Planning to sleep early but end of with 12 plus..
I stop playing Nintendo every night. Only do it when I am free. Oh dear, perhaps I am really busy these days... I am very tired.....................
Later needs to take pain killer again.

My best dinner companion

My dinner on 13 March 2008:
La Mian + vege + tomatoes + garlie pork sausages...
I give myself: 75% =D

Sunday, March 9, 2008

3 March 2008

I regret that I haven't register and did not contribute this time.

However, what I wish has come true.

We should destroy corruption, make a better security, and have a fair society.

I MUST vote next time and make a change. Don't let it stop!

New ERA Malaysia! Democracy!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Life in Milano

Something to share.... my life in Milano, Italia

I was there in 2007...Winter... it was a new experience in my life..

First thing that I encountered is the water.. pipe water in Milano..
<<-- It looks like Barley drinks. It tastes salty and consists of high calcium! I feel weird when i brush my teeth and shower too.. the taste is quite strong!

People in Milano consume the highest no of distilled/mineral water.
Comparing between the price in France & Italy, it's > 30 times difference.
I bought a 500ml Perrier in Paris, costs about Euro3.50. and I can get a bottle of 1250ml of water in Milano for Euroe 0.20!! Unbelievable...
It's common for Italian.French to drink frizzy water.. I don't really like it.. (too much of gas)
Shopping malls are closed after 7pm on saturday and closed for the whole day on Sunday...
Although, it's very convenient to have a mall besides my condo (Cosmo Residence).. but still I need to stock up for the weekend. (normally, I try to fill up my weekend with trip to others Europe countries, not much chance going there)
Cooking has become common for me.. Well, if you know me well, I only able to cook few dishes.. haha..mainly hot dog, eggs, mix vege, spagetthi.... hahaa
Pizza is the best food in Italia..simple original pizza ( only tomoto & cheese) is good enough.
I like it very much and it costs about Euro 6 (including a pepsi).. It was my first meal after touch down in Milan & cheaper than a set of standard McD meal...
Entertainment --- No internet in the apartment, No english programme on the TV... sigh.. my only entertainment is BBC channel... (which I seldom watch in Singapore or KL). BORED LIFE!!
I am a phonecall addict, with NO phonecall after work due to time difference.. my life is a bit empty. I even sleep about 830pm for few nights... coz I really have NOTHING to do...
The feeling of homesick is getting worse.....

My studio in Cosmo Residence, Milano

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Paris, Feb07

Notre Dame

My first Europe trip back in 2007 ~ Paris
Weather: 3-8C. Wet, Cool and Freezing.

Yes, Paris is one of my dream travel location and always think that it's a perfect honeymoon place.
Beside that, I would never think that I have chance to go there due to $$ matters and leave.
Well, I flew from Milano to Paris and stay there for 2 nights in a backpackers inn.
Accomodation in Paris is comparable more ex but the food price is still OK. With Euro16, I could enjoy an appretiser (escargots - a bit diff taste as in Local and I feel that the local ones are nicer. hehe), a main course (duck meat with orange juice), Ice cream & Coffee..
On the other day, I had only SOUP... very thick soup with meat and vege. One is enough.

Paris is actually like other famous city in Europe. There are full of tourists all the time. My deep memories is I saw 90% Asian face in LV at Champs de Elysees. haha.. many ppl thinks that I am Japanese too because they like designers' brands. Too bad, I was just 'gau gau zhan, mou bong chan' as I was just a backpacker.

Favourite Food & recommendation: Pastries and coffee
Favourite Places : The Lourve, Army Musuem, Champs de Elysees, Eiffel tower, Notre Dame & Versailles (palace of queen)

Monday, March 3, 2008

Chinese Dumpling

I went to my Chinese colleague, Junmin's home for CNY gathering last last Sat. She ordered many dumplings and we had a full dumplings meal.

There are many different kinds ~ pork, vege, beef, prawn etc etc. After having it, I was addicted. I even ordered 6 dumplings at Crystal Jade for my dinner on the next day.

Junmin told me that the dumplings are actually very cheap. 100 pieces for SGD18.. without consideration, I have ordered 5 different taste of dumpling (total:100 piece) on last Friday. Also, would like to share this nice food with Yu.

First try - steam the dumpling. We left the frozen dumpling at ambient temperature for few minutes then put together about 30 dumplings on one plate... Results: FAIL!!! hahahhahahaa.

All dumplings sticked together!!!

Second try - steam again, with further apart... hehehehe... ok.. not too bad, only some skin sticked on the plate.

2nd try... yummy!

Third try - cook.. haha. fast, non sticked...

After consulted by Junmin, we should steam the dumpling when it's still cold, so the skin will not stick together. ermmm.. well, I think we will have about 30 dumplings to try out. If there is any left during this weekend, I will do experiment again... heehehe

I think Yu is addicted as well. He would like to order again.... :D

My new facial treatment

Am trying out new facial product. From TV ad, this is preservative & stress-free.
Actually, have been seeing this brand for quite sometime, and it looks expensive. That's why I never give it a try. Since my current favourite BIOTHERM is finished, so I take this chance to try out FANCL.

Well, the lotion is very good. It's like the essense. according to the sales girl, the lotion acts like moisturizer of other products and the milk lotion acts is nourishing.
After trying out for few days, I found that I should buy the lighter series. The milky lotion is a bit too oily for my skin. Anyway, I can see my blocked pores improved.

There is an expired date for this products, so will force myself to use it daily. It's 60 days after opening.

Looking at the brochures of FANCL, it makes me wanna buy more.... some nutrition food and supplement. But let's see...

Actually, most of my savings spend on skin care including my medicine & regular visit to NSC for my eczema... Happy to say, my eczema is under control now. Hope the circle will not come back so soon again.....

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Let's travel

Yes! This is the time for us to travel again. We had busy schedules in the past 2 years. Changing jobs, overseas training, wedding, buying house ($$ matters) etc etc.

Now everything is settled. We should plan for a trip together.

Who?! - Yes, it's she, my sister - the best buddy. Easy going and fun! somemore, we can discuss, share and even take the risk together. Really look forward for it.

When?! -- End of Oct/Nov... (autumn in UK, Spring in Australia)

Another reason is, I have NO annual leave now. Need to wait for sometime.

Where?! -- UK (southampton, London, Scotland) or Australia (the state of Victoria)??

Our initial plan is to visit my friends in England and Scotland. Main reason is my sis hasn't been to Europe before. I would say, I will just follow what she wants in this trip. Because, she hardly have time to travel with me. Unfortunately, we find out that my friend in England will be very busy this year due to new department set up. Also, I am a bit hesitate to travel long haul.

Perhaps, we need to postpone to 2009!

Good news is my friend in Melbourne will be free after April! I checked out and I found that the state is victoria is really wonderful. I love the outskirt of this state. Many activities like wine testing, fine dining, hot air balloon + enjoying the scenic view. Also the expenses is comparable with Singapore.

12 Apostles (heard that left 6 now?) @Great Ocean Road

Yarra Valley and Dandenong Ranges


I can't wait. I MUST go this time. Hope everything goes smoothly.
Also, thanks to all my friends in UK & Aussie who give us the offers. : )

After Australia, next plan UK, next next plan Japan!!

Hehe.. almost forgot the nearest trip in March.. Shanghai... ermm, I hope it will be a good one.