Thursday, March 6, 2008

Life in Milano

Something to share.... my life in Milano, Italia

I was there in 2007...Winter... it was a new experience in my life..

First thing that I encountered is the water.. pipe water in Milano..
<<-- It looks like Barley drinks. It tastes salty and consists of high calcium! I feel weird when i brush my teeth and shower too.. the taste is quite strong!

People in Milano consume the highest no of distilled/mineral water.
Comparing between the price in France & Italy, it's > 30 times difference.
I bought a 500ml Perrier in Paris, costs about Euro3.50. and I can get a bottle of 1250ml of water in Milano for Euroe 0.20!! Unbelievable...
It's common for Italian.French to drink frizzy water.. I don't really like it.. (too much of gas)
Shopping malls are closed after 7pm on saturday and closed for the whole day on Sunday...
Although, it's very convenient to have a mall besides my condo (Cosmo Residence).. but still I need to stock up for the weekend. (normally, I try to fill up my weekend with trip to others Europe countries, not much chance going there)
Cooking has become common for me.. Well, if you know me well, I only able to cook few dishes.. haha..mainly hot dog, eggs, mix vege, spagetthi.... hahaa
Pizza is the best food in Italia..simple original pizza ( only tomoto & cheese) is good enough.
I like it very much and it costs about Euro 6 (including a pepsi).. It was my first meal after touch down in Milan & cheaper than a set of standard McD meal...
Entertainment --- No internet in the apartment, No english programme on the TV... sigh.. my only entertainment is BBC channel... (which I seldom watch in Singapore or KL). BORED LIFE!!
I am a phonecall addict, with NO phonecall after work due to time difference.. my life is a bit empty. I even sleep about 830pm for few nights... coz I really have NOTHING to do...
The feeling of homesick is getting worse.....

My studio in Cosmo Residence, Milano