Monday, March 3, 2008

Chinese Dumpling

I went to my Chinese colleague, Junmin's home for CNY gathering last last Sat. She ordered many dumplings and we had a full dumplings meal.

There are many different kinds ~ pork, vege, beef, prawn etc etc. After having it, I was addicted. I even ordered 6 dumplings at Crystal Jade for my dinner on the next day.

Junmin told me that the dumplings are actually very cheap. 100 pieces for SGD18.. without consideration, I have ordered 5 different taste of dumpling (total:100 piece) on last Friday. Also, would like to share this nice food with Yu.

First try - steam the dumpling. We left the frozen dumpling at ambient temperature for few minutes then put together about 30 dumplings on one plate... Results: FAIL!!! hahahhahahaa.

All dumplings sticked together!!!

Second try - steam again, with further apart... hehehehe... ok.. not too bad, only some skin sticked on the plate.

2nd try... yummy!

Third try - cook.. haha. fast, non sticked...

After consulted by Junmin, we should steam the dumpling when it's still cold, so the skin will not stick together. ermmm.. well, I think we will have about 30 dumplings to try out. If there is any left during this weekend, I will do experiment again... heehehe

I think Yu is addicted as well. He would like to order again.... :D