Sunday, April 26, 2009

Careless Me~

I was so careless. We went to Mongkok Dim Sum at Geylang with Erin and Henry.

The food was really nice. Though it was very hot, no aircon but the taste of the food is nice. I think it's better than some restaurant.

It's cheap, less than SGD10 ea. We just left after the brunch and heading to North Bridge Road to buy some other car spare parts. It was a toy shop, I feel like buying something for En En. Wanted to call him and ask whihc model of "BB warrior" he wants. And I found....

My Mobile Phone was GONE!!!

Oh dear...... :( no mood to think of other things anymore... :(

We rushed back to Geylang again....... On the way, I kept calling... nobody pick up.. but at least, with some hope, it's not stolen. coz it was still ringing. On the other hand, was thinking it's a good excuse to change my mobile to E71.. hhaha!

but there are too many things in my mobile phone... and I just can't live without it..

when I reached there. I ran up to the shop and asked whether they saw a phone.. Luckily... the shop owner smiled to me and said.. HERE YOU GO!

Ohh.. Thanks God!!

I will not be so careless next time.. xD

Friday, April 24, 2009


My initial plan is to go out to town for searching the dinner dress..
Too bad, the SUPER sunny and hot weather made I stayed at home... *Today's 35 Degree!*
Nothing much to do after exams over.
And I did something.. recording songs... Can't believe I could do it for hours.. as a perfectionist, I kept repeat. However, can't get the best one. =(
Kept some copies.. Trying to sing better... sing Jazz.. trying to learn..
Too bad, there is no chance to perform anymore. Miss the time in Uni. we had lots of performance and gave me many exposure. hahaha! Just like being a singer. =)
Wanted to learn Piano.. one of my little dream... i hope my schedule can be more fixed. hard to find a slot in weekdays.. sigh..

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


have been receiving NICE sms these days...

Nice food, Nice people, Nice apartment, Nice weather and SUPER Nice View..

So many "Nice"s come from one sms. I believe she is enjoying her life now!! :D

Yes. I totally agree that Australia is a very nice place! I love it so much. Again, she doesn't feel like coming back home..

So envy that she can visit Strawberries and Lavender Farm this time. I missed it last time.

When will be my next trip??? I hope I can be there again. and forever.. hahaha!

Must work it out! My dream, my plan, my future!!!!

I feel happy for one of my friends succesfully get his Australia Visa.. congratulations! :)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

My first roller blading lesson

Went to East Coast Park today with Siu Fung and Iris.

As usual, Siu Fung will play his remote control car. Iris rented a bicycle and I met Melinda for my first blading lesson. It seems to be not too tough, at least I fell down lesser unexpectedly.

I can slide independently though it's very very slow!! I hope I can improve soon. I am happy seeing people so relax.. blading around along the seaside.. listening to Mp3 and with smooth breeze...

I sweated a lot today. Too bad, I didn't hear Mani's phonecall.. so it's too late when I met him. a bit guilty. by that time, I was really too tired to do any further blading.

I wish that one day i can blade together with my friends. :)

It's really a great workout for the day!! What a break through for my boring and lazy sunday! :D

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sliding Doors

Another movie for this week. -- Sliding doors (1998)
Love this kind of simple & romantic movie.
What if one split second sent your life in two completely different directions?


Finally watched the movie TAKEN.. it's an action movie. However, it has enlightened me something -- Better not to travel alone... hahaa!

I plan to travel alone in Europe.. Perhaps, Venice in this year.

But after this movie, I gonna think twice. It shown the other sides of Paris (Europe).. hahaa.. scary.

If I am taken, my father doesn't have the ability to save me. =D Would recommend my sis and niece to watch it. haha! =D

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Good Start?

Yesterday, my colleague asked me to modify a program. Initially, I don't know what he really wants to do. Most probably due to my phobia in programming, I was a bit worried.

Nevertheless, I have to do it.

I tried to modify, adding new tests and changing some variables. at last, I know what am I doing and get the point!

First compilation... Oh no... what the hell. so many errors.

could be missing something. I have added another new test. recompiled... Oh Good!! no error.

Well, it doesn't end. I continue to test a wafer with my 'first' engineering program.

This morning, It seems like the results is positive!

I created a report and show to my italy counterpart in the conference call.

Wow, I heard: Good Job!!!

and I will release the next program revision for production! :) It has solved one of the big issue of my product! Yeah!

I am very happy, because this is my first time doing programming with minima help.

I hope I can improve my skills fast! really....

I feel satisfaction with it. I hope the satisfaction will motivate me for my further works!


Monday, April 13, 2009

Favourite things in everyone's life :)

My lil music box from Victoria Market
"Somewhere Over the Rainbow"

Fiona's food miniature collection! Amazing!

En's CJ 7 from Shanghai

Theng's Minnie (accompany her for 17 years)
- opps, don't worry, Minnie often send for bathing by Mum :)

Fung's Remote Control Cars (more important than me!)

Dad's bass guitar (about 25 years-old) -still using it for performing nowadays.
Dad is a good bass player!

Sister's make up collections :)

Last but not least, mum's favourite - her beloved 2 daughters. :D

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Last Trip back in KL_April

First night, Chill out at Sky Bar with my form 6 friends! Thanks for bringing me there!

Old friends gathering and I met up with a long lost friend (18 years), Chew Ling. :)

Taking (Syok Sendiri) Pics with Theng Theng at sis's room.

Jogoya Buffet with mum, sis & Theng Theng. (wearing "curi" Theng theng's scraft walking around the mall, as she said this is the latest fashion. hahaha!)

Last but not least, Hugging my en en at home.

Aglio e Olio Pasta

Spaghetti aio oio, one of the most classic Roman dishes, is the one dish that all Italian men know how to make. It's also quite popular as a late night snack among friends, say after a night out at the theater.

To serve 4-6:

Prep Time: 05 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes

1-2 cloves of garlic, minced, or more to taste
1/2 a dried chili pepper, crumbled, or more to taste (don't overdo it, and fresh hot peppers, will be fine too)
1/3 cup good olive oil
1 pound spaghetti
Grated Parmigiano or Pecorino Romano (optional)

Bring 6 quarts of lightly salted water to a boil and add the spaghetti.
Meanwhile, mince the garlic, crumble the red pepper, and sauté them in the oil until the garlic begins to brown.
Turn off the heat (the garlic will continue to brown; you don't want it to overbrown and become bitter).
When the spaghetti are done, drain them well, transfer them to a bowl, and stir the sauce into them.
Serve with grated Parmigiano or Pecorino Romano on the side.
This is my homemade Aglio Olio :)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Cooking Sisters

For the first time I made dumpling at home. Of course the ingredients were prepared by mum.

The steps are as easy as ABC.. :D

Pork & Eggs

The dumpling skin


Done. Can you see one looks like Xiao Long Bao. That's made from me for En En :)

Then we fried it. 90% was done by mum :p

And this is the special dumpling :)

Well, looking at the corn + carrot + sweet corn + pork soup behind, I feel like drinking it now. Really miss mum's cooking..

Friday, April 3, 2009

Lover and Soulmate

Something has came across my mind.

Lover and Soulmate

Everyone can find their lovers but not easy to find a soulmate.

Lover, someone that you love and he loves you. However, it doesn't mean that both of you have the same interest to share together. Love is just the feeling that make you care about the person. Love is a feeling that make you to contribute or sacrifice.

Well, the words - Sacrifice.. I believe everyone has heard about "there is always sacrification in love"...

Sacrifice means, doing things that you are not willing to.. but you just do it to make another person happy.

But for soulmate, this is someone who naturally has the same interest with you. Someone who can share many things, thoughts together. They almost have the same thoughts, same interests, and do things together. On top of that, there is love between both of them.

sounds wonderful. However, I believe, It's hard to find someone like that in life.

People have different background. Different families, different races, different countries etc etc.......Even siblings from the same home can have different ways of living and thoughts.

To me, it's difficult to find someone to have the same thoughts/interests as you. In relationship, there is always a certain level of tolerance. Both parties try to understand and tolerate ea other in order to go further. and once communication breakdown, the relationship will get fragile. sad to say that when relationship has gone up to certain no. of years, the hot feeling of Love should have gone. What's left is the commitment and responsibilities...

We can see in many old couples. However, they might feel happy and contented after they have their own family, seeing children gone up bla bla bla... something might be lacking between the couples. the focus will be more on the family...

Somehow, I feel it's quite tiring huh.... but that's life.. and what kind of life you want to choose....

Well, if you can really find your soulmate, that is the best thing in relationship. At least, many things are mutual to ea other and it is easier for a relationship to grow.

Nothing is perfect... No one is perfect in this world. There is always a 80/20 rule in everything.

Anyway, just some of my general thoughts.... what do you think? :)

(after taking GAMSAT, I am more like doing Part II paper now, written communication.. the topics are something like above.. interesting.. )