Friday, April 3, 2009

Lover and Soulmate

Something has came across my mind.

Lover and Soulmate

Everyone can find their lovers but not easy to find a soulmate.

Lover, someone that you love and he loves you. However, it doesn't mean that both of you have the same interest to share together. Love is just the feeling that make you care about the person. Love is a feeling that make you to contribute or sacrifice.

Well, the words - Sacrifice.. I believe everyone has heard about "there is always sacrification in love"...

Sacrifice means, doing things that you are not willing to.. but you just do it to make another person happy.

But for soulmate, this is someone who naturally has the same interest with you. Someone who can share many things, thoughts together. They almost have the same thoughts, same interests, and do things together. On top of that, there is love between both of them.

sounds wonderful. However, I believe, It's hard to find someone like that in life.

People have different background. Different families, different races, different countries etc etc.......Even siblings from the same home can have different ways of living and thoughts.

To me, it's difficult to find someone to have the same thoughts/interests as you. In relationship, there is always a certain level of tolerance. Both parties try to understand and tolerate ea other in order to go further. and once communication breakdown, the relationship will get fragile. sad to say that when relationship has gone up to certain no. of years, the hot feeling of Love should have gone. What's left is the commitment and responsibilities...

We can see in many old couples. However, they might feel happy and contented after they have their own family, seeing children gone up bla bla bla... something might be lacking between the couples. the focus will be more on the family...

Somehow, I feel it's quite tiring huh.... but that's life.. and what kind of life you want to choose....

Well, if you can really find your soulmate, that is the best thing in relationship. At least, many things are mutual to ea other and it is easier for a relationship to grow.

Nothing is perfect... No one is perfect in this world. There is always a 80/20 rule in everything.

Anyway, just some of my general thoughts.... what do you think? :)

(after taking GAMSAT, I am more like doing Part II paper now, written communication.. the topics are something like above.. interesting.. )