Saturday, May 31, 2008

Friday Night

Another hang out with my buddies tonight. Friday is always the perfect happy hour for us.

Today we have Zheng Hang, Andrew, George, Fiona, Erin and me.

We went to THE SHIP.. wow.. it has been quite sometime I didn't have dinner in THE SHIP. I remember my last time was during my secondary!!


The steak is very nice! but it's relatively more expensive.. With escargots, I spent about SGD40. Then we went for chit chat at Border Bistro..

And now, I am at Fiona's place. I just don't wish to go home. Perhaps, I feel I have nothing to do at home. haha.. although it should be the time to sleep.. hehe...

Anyway, it is a good catch up with my cousin, Fiona. ermm, just afraid that I am disturbing her husband..

ok ok. it's time to chit chat with her now.. she is waiting for me!! haha...

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Just found that my friend, Erin from Hong Kong who just got to know her for less than 6 months, has the same birthday with me!!

Tung Nin Tung Yuet Tung Yat Sang!

No Wonder!

We can chat along well like close friends in this short period of time. Having the same hobbies like KTV, Mahjong and Nintendo DS. Also, having a partner who is very busy... and always lonely...

From the first day I met her in Sally's home, I feel that this girl is very easy going & seems to be in the same frequency. And I have a strong feeling that she will be my friend.. I mean, friend who can hang outs often.

Happy that she really makes the efforts to call me out, join my group and count me in many activities.

Unexpected and I am happy! For the first time I found the person who has the same birthdate! Yeah!


Application status

My Medicine Application in NUS

Application number 58002XXX
Application statusThe general stages for the application status areApplication received --> Application processing --> Outcome of application

Your current status is Admission denied.

Feeling down... anyway, I need to move on!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Food from Italia

Desmond, my manager is back from Italy and he brought us many nice food.
Chocolates.. haven't try yet but left only few..
Nice Chocolate and Vanilla nuggets with Almond. I like this very much...

Cioccolato with different fillings.. whisky, creamy, mocha. etc etc. Tried one with creamy chocolates filling

Taccali - biscotti made by salt + olive +white vine. It was my breakfast for today :)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Happy Birthday to EN!

Happy 11th Birthday to En!

After coming back to Singapore, I miss En a lot...

I still can recall the way he played drums in the arcade together with dad..

haha.. he is really adorable. :)

Oh Ya, just looked at Theng Theng's blog, she wrote about his brother.
Well, I think she loves her brother actually, just that she is lazy to bother him..

and we know, if we bother him, he will never let you go.... to me, he just want someone to accompany him.

Too bad, I can't be with him everyday...


I think I need to keep fit again!!

I am getting fatter. I can feel that my butt is big! and my face is getting rounder and rounder!

Oh dear. I am scared of this!!

recently, I heard 3 comments saying that I am fatter now!! :(

Don't know I should be happy or sad. Perhaps, I need to control my diet again. Recently I had too many gathering... Well, maybe this is a good news for mum and dad...

ermm, maybe also I have the phobia being a fat lady.. so .. ermm..Am thinking too much again..

: \

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Eczema again!


Sensitive again.. My face!! red rashes, dry, pain and uncomfortable again!

putting on steriod cream, Hydrocortisone 1% again on it. I gonna stop for my normal facial product

Actually I am thinking of going to NSC again. wish that Dr Jean can give me some facial products.

I know there are many good products outside which is relatively mild. But once my skin flares. I think even i use water, I can feel that pain.

Hope will get well soon..

Last holiday back home

It was great. Yes. it always great for me to go home.

Friday Night:

- Reach home around 10pm.
- Primary school gathering cancelled due to some of them were sick
- chit chat with family and slept with En.. he is a bit fat.. but very cute. I told him a story which he is a prince and his sis, theng is the princess he is looking for.. hahaha. funny situation... he felt great that he is a prince, but unhappy that his princess is theng theng.. haha

Saturday Morning:

- Dim Sum breakfast bought by Father..
- Went to Tony Chew, a fortune teller with mum and sis. My first time going for furtune teller session.. well, everything seems good. it based on Tarot cards reading.
- Shopping at Pavilion with mum and sis
- Mahjong at Uncle's place. Oh dear, I ate "zah wu"! It was so embrassing.. coz the aunties and uncles didn't want to accept my $$ for the "zah wu"!! Well, I learnt how to calculate 'fan' in tradisional way. very professional.
And I think father is very good in mahjong. he is clever!
- Dinner with family after theng theng's tuition at Jaya Jusco. Bought En birthday present. and celebrated birthday with him at Kim Gary. He is sooo adorable! Though sometime he is a bit impolite... I really need to educate him!
- go home,we were tired. but still we played mahjong together. Theng theng, en and me.. haha.. En learns all the action from my uncles and aunties... even he learns how they talk!!! Funny!


- Nothing much to do at home.
- Playing mahjong with father, theng and en at home
- Sis went out with philip.
- then watch HK drama (siau choy ooi seong beng) till last episode with mum, en and theng
- had mum's cooking. yummy!
- then Mahjong session again. I think so far, i didn't win any games. they were very strong!
- Primary school gathering with brenda, wai ling, zoe and bryan at first station..

- Happy Vesak Day!
- Went temple with father, mum and sis
- then we had lunch nearby our house.
- the weather was very hot. again, mahjong with sis, me and en
- Australia and Singapore trip planning with sis. For Aussie ticket, we found SQ gives the better offer.
- had a nap
- Dinner at home
- shower and headed to the train station
- Had Mc D with family. En is a bit naughty.
- Before I got onto the train, I talked to him, asked him not to 'deng jui'... must listen to ah poh and ah gung. hope he understands. I know that he is a very brilliant boy, just that sometime he really dunno how to obey the elders. Hope he will change. Maybe he is still too young...
- got on to the train.. feeling sad as usual.....
- bad journey as usual...


- train delayed.
- reached home around 9 something. Didn't had a good sleep on the train and feeling bad
- took a nap.
- eczema flares up!!
- went to work and had OT for today..
- chatting with family, theng and fung while on the way back home...

- Feeling empty and down again........tired & miss home much... :(

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Nihon Maru

Today we have Japanese Dinner at Nihon Maru. Well, so that I think this is the best japanese food I ever had in Singapore. Thanks to Daniel!

Some pics of the food...
Yummy! Definitely will go back again..

Snacks in the office

Peng Chun is back from ShanDong, China today. Wow, he brought us a lot of food with attractive packaging.. Some are yummy!
Mochi from China
Shao Bing
Crispy Chillies Crab

Dried Octopus and fish (hand in the pic, Qi Lu)
Oh.. never forget about the Vietnam Coffee bought by Keng Wei..

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Eating Time!

Finally I am satisfy with what I cook for today :D

I think I like tomatoes a lot. I just like the taste. Well, as usual, it's a 'yat wok suk'.. but it's very healthy & yummy! better than the food outside the stalls.

Close up!

Ingredients: tomatoes (Vitamin A, C), Vegetables, corn, pea, (iron, fiber, Vit C), carrots (vit A), breakfast ham (protein), alphabeto pasta (carbohydrate)

will try more dishes in next week...

At least something to look forward after work.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Dining alone..

Dinner at home...

package salad.. not enough as usual..

Edo Sushi... A bit too cold. after eating, the stomach is not warm.
Home made spagetthi.
(Vege wih olive, minced beef + Basilica Pesto + spagetthi)
- haha.. a bit too salty, too much spagetthi
- couldn't finish it.. what a waste.. still feeling full

Hahaha.. seems like there is nothing that give me satisfication.
Am I too choosy or having aneroxia nervosa?

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Itch hands

it's kinda sporty recently...

I enjoy swimming very much... Yes.. swimming.. dry swimming.. haha

after the second round of mahjong session.. oh. i can feel that I am really addicted...

there is always a desire to start another session..... hahha.. can't believe my housemate, Iris is addicted as well....

ermmm..though i am losing for both session.. I believe, i will WIN again!!

my luck is not very good though.. : /

Always changing!

Due to the product crisis in the fab.. many wafers are on hold. Well, here's my big role.. yeah.. clearing the rubbish from the fab.. sorting to different category and giving instruction for on hold, rescreening, scrap.. etc etc

worse thing is..... the disposition is always changing... a lot of stupid action has been done and at the end, they are useless.. shipping the parts and recalling them to retest again..

this also affected the production very much.. it's really a mess! I can understand how the production suffer... I feel headache when i see email about the disposition change again and again!

I saw an email for another change yesterday.. wow.. i stopped for a while to take a break before continue with the disposition. Sometime really do not know how to proceed.. also feel guilty to the production... :(

Sometime, I feel that my job is very dry & dull.. I believe a secondary/poly graduate can do it as good as me.. nothing much about it... Things that make me stay are good boss and colleagues, also changing field can't fulfill my current expenses. Perhaps, I am falling to the category where changing field is impossible for me..

well, what would be my next plan??!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Mahjong Mahjong!

Addited to Mahjong again.

I played with my housemate, Iris, Chee Leong and HK friends , Erin & Henry on 1st May.

Before the games we gonna tidy up our home because it was not unexpected that some guest will come. Well, so far, I can say, they are my first guest. :)

Thanks Chee Leong for the great help.. *haha, I already told you not to come to my house*

Although I was the big loser on that day.. but I feel very happy.. They really cheers up my day.

When will be the next game?!

The coming friday? hehe