Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Last holiday back home

It was great. Yes. it always great for me to go home.

Friday Night:

- Reach home around 10pm.
- Primary school gathering cancelled due to some of them were sick
- chit chat with family and slept with En.. he is a bit fat.. but very cute. I told him a story which he is a prince and his sis, theng is the princess he is looking for.. hahaha. funny situation... he felt great that he is a prince, but unhappy that his princess is theng theng.. haha

Saturday Morning:

- Dim Sum breakfast bought by Father..
- Went to Tony Chew, a fortune teller with mum and sis. My first time going for furtune teller session.. well, everything seems good. it based on Tarot cards reading.
- Shopping at Pavilion with mum and sis
- Mahjong at Uncle's place. Oh dear, I ate "zah wu"! It was so embrassing.. coz the aunties and uncles didn't want to accept my $$ for the "zah wu"!! Well, I learnt how to calculate 'fan' in tradisional way. very professional.
And I think father is very good in mahjong. he is clever!
- Dinner with family after theng theng's tuition at Jaya Jusco. Bought En birthday present. and celebrated birthday with him at Kim Gary. He is sooo adorable! Though sometime he is a bit impolite... I really need to educate him!
- go home,we were tired. but still we played mahjong together. Theng theng, en and me.. haha.. En learns all the action from my uncles and aunties... even he learns how they talk!!! Funny!


- Nothing much to do at home.
- Playing mahjong with father, theng and en at home
- Sis went out with philip.
- then watch HK drama (siau choy ooi seong beng) till last episode with mum, en and theng
- had mum's cooking. yummy!
- then Mahjong session again. I think so far, i didn't win any games. they were very strong!
- Primary school gathering with brenda, wai ling, zoe and bryan at first station..

- Happy Vesak Day!
- Went temple with father, mum and sis
- then we had lunch nearby our house.
- the weather was very hot. again, mahjong with sis, me and en
- Australia and Singapore trip planning with sis. For Aussie ticket, we found SQ gives the better offer.
- had a nap
- Dinner at home
- shower and headed to the train station
- Had Mc D with family. En is a bit naughty.
- Before I got onto the train, I talked to him, asked him not to 'deng jui'... must listen to ah poh and ah gung. hope he understands. I know that he is a very brilliant boy, just that sometime he really dunno how to obey the elders. Hope he will change. Maybe he is still too young...
- got on to the train.. feeling sad as usual.....
- bad journey as usual...


- train delayed.
- reached home around 9 something. Didn't had a good sleep on the train and feeling bad
- took a nap.
- eczema flares up!!
- went to work and had OT for today..
- chatting with family, theng and fung while on the way back home...

- Feeling empty and down again........tired & miss home much... :(