Sunday, May 11, 2008

Always changing!

Due to the product crisis in the fab.. many wafers are on hold. Well, here's my big role.. yeah.. clearing the rubbish from the fab.. sorting to different category and giving instruction for on hold, rescreening, scrap.. etc etc

worse thing is..... the disposition is always changing... a lot of stupid action has been done and at the end, they are useless.. shipping the parts and recalling them to retest again..

this also affected the production very much.. it's really a mess! I can understand how the production suffer... I feel headache when i see email about the disposition change again and again!

I saw an email for another change yesterday.. wow.. i stopped for a while to take a break before continue with the disposition. Sometime really do not know how to proceed.. also feel guilty to the production... :(

Sometime, I feel that my job is very dry & dull.. I believe a secondary/poly graduate can do it as good as me.. nothing much about it... Things that make me stay are good boss and colleagues, also changing field can't fulfill my current expenses. Perhaps, I am falling to the category where changing field is impossible for me..

well, what would be my next plan??!