Tuesday, February 26, 2008

my ABC soup

Due to sore gum, I do not have appetitte to eat out tonight.

So I have made my ABC soup. At least healthier and not oily. Actually I just bought a chinese cabbage, carrots and tomatoes + some sausages. It make me very full. Eating out too much is kinda bored for me. I might order 100 dumplings on this thursday and plan to eat in for the rest of the month.

Saturday, February 23, 2008



Why does a TOTO winner need to work OT until 10pm?

- Because she is not winning the 1st Prize.

Crisis crisis..product crisis...

Why is it not closing down? Why do the staff suffer/work so hard for the losing $$ product?

What is the point? Are we really working for fun? for the money? OR for the leisure?

I hope I am a octopus today, a pair of hands was really not enough..
I really hate the phonecalls from device/QA.. requesting minor thing for priority. Do you know we were in the war??!!

Sigh, Tomorrow needs to continue again...............

Good Night!

Friday, February 22, 2008


Almost all Singaporeans & residents were very excited.

In their mind, thinking about SGD10M. TOTO ang pow for tonight results..

Happy Yuen Siew Jit!! Happy Chap Goh Mei!

Of course, as a TOTO supporter, I won't miss this chance

Totally, my investment for this time is 2+ 11 dollars.

SGD2 sharing with colleagues

SGD11 sharing with uncle fei

Results: 01 15 18 19 25 37, additional number: 02

I hope this will change my life! change my plan......

And.... WE (colleagues team) WON!!!.................. hahahahhhahaha!! very very happy

ONLY for 4th prize.. Well, It's a very good start for the rat year!!

Great!! Congratulations!! Yeah!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Chicken Little?!

I met up with Erin from HK for dinner tonight at bugis. We been to a Taiwanese Restaurant with Sem as well.

As usual, we chat a lot.. as both of us are talkative. we talked about everything and suddenly she suggested to do business together-- Selling "gai dan zai".. some HK delicacies like waffle which doesn't exist in Singapore yet.

ermmm... talking about the shop name, set up, marketing, branding, survey, pricing, location.. bla bla bla

the shop name just called it "Hong Kong Gai Dan Zai", in english -- Chicken Little. hahahhaa!

well, she is a very experience marketing manager for about 7 years (same age with me). Having experience opening shops in HK (dessert shop) and having lots of ideas of promoting the food.

ermmm. this is another opportunities to earn money.. but I think we need capital!!!!

if i strike TOTO tomorrow, maybe I will consider...

else, we need to propose....

maybe this is a dream... or good chance to start a business.......

I don't wanna dah gung zai anymore......

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I have been having salad dinner for 2 days as I am not feeling very well. Yesterday I had plain vege salad, i feel hungry around 11pm.. arghh..
so today I bought some chicken fillet and try to make chicken salad plus french dressings..

I can't believe I can finish sucha big bowl of salad. I consumed for one hour... now I feel full..

Shooky's homemade chicken salad with french dressing
(tomotoes, zucchinis are hiding at the bottom)

Monday, February 18, 2008

I am OK!!!

Yesterday night, I feel feverish again. I slept at 11pm and turned around the bed until 1am.

I felt like doing teepanyaki a hot plate.

But finally it cooled down in the middle of the night. I woke up relatively earlier today and hope it will be a new start for the week.

However, after lunch, I have the same effect again. feverish!!

my lips are burning. No matter how much water I drink and put on it. my eyes are heavy....

aiyaa!!! I can't fall sick again. It's just a minor symptom...I reckon it's shouldn't be any problem.

I was really impressed when I heard from my friend, he didnt take any MC in 5 years!!

For me, I forgot how many MC have been taken in these 5 years.. perhaps... 50?!! hahahaha

oh my god!

Friday, February 15, 2008


Bored.. Another bored day... staying at home alone......

I think I gonna start working soon.... I can't continue to SICK and sleep...The medicine makes me feel so tired. Now, i am still continuously applying the oral paste to my gum.. hope it will get well soon.

I miss KL a lot... If I were in KL, I don't think I have this kind of feeling... I should be happily enjoying my life.

But, I don't think I have chance to go back anymore.... what will be my next plan?

Continue to be an engineer, earning $$, go travel?

Changing field, start all over again... migrating??!!

I really do not know... I am totally LOST.

It seems like I am still quite playful, the certain plan in my mind is go travel as much as possible in these 2 years....

Before I set up a family, I must enjoy my life before 30s...... am I too selfish? I just do not want to regret later...........

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sore Gum and it's getting worse

Oh no, I felt cold this morning when I was in the office.

I can't concentrate with my works at all

My eyes are tired... my face was really pale. My colleagues asked me to see Dr.

I feel a little bit guilty because I left out so many stuffs for my partner, Junmin.

I went to see doctor with 3 layers of clothes... muscles were shivering.

Doctor saw my sore gum, it's red and swallon. I have some flu symptom. Just back from the clinic, and i need a rest now.....

I think have been too hectic during CNY or because of Yomeishu, herb wine.


Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day to all my friends.
Hope you will have a memorable one
With Love,
Shook Yee

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sore Gum

Oh Dear! I have sore gum!!

I really can't take Yomeishu, I have gastric after having it even taken after food.

Worst thing is I can't sleep well at night. I feel hot, gastric and I have soregum now (near to my wisdom tooth)... very pain!

Tonight, I will sleep earlier... Must sleep earlier...

Pull back my spirit from KL and start working...

Do not think too much..... Be happy!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Before i slept yesterday night, I drank a little bit of yomeishu! I carried this from KL cause it is a gift from aunt. She asked me to try it, so that I will look better, at least not too skinny.

I slept soundly yesterday. when i woke up, it was about 9am... and i feel very blur...

I took a day of MC and rest.. Perhaps, I can't take the wine too late.

I did something unexpected today. I submitted an online application for another degree in NUS. Well, it is all about my dreams to be a doctor. This has been buried for so many years and recently was dug out after chatting with my doctor friend. I must give it a try. I know the application is very competitive and only had 250 places with 2 rounds of interviews and essay for shortlisted candidates. It nearly same like strike TOTO.

If they really accept me, I think I will go for it. I hope to do something in passion for the next 20 -30 years.

I am not sure, am I dreaming or facing the reality at the moment.

Later I will post out my supporting documents then I will forget it.... until i receive any reply from the admission office.

If I get rejected, it's still fine.. I can continue to become an engineer... Nothing to lose.

Ahh... very lazy and no mood after coming back from KL......

Tonight I must sleep earlier!!!!

face the reality and back to the factory........

Great Fun!

What an extra-ordinary CNY I had in this year.

I can't believe I almost spend most of my time with my primary schoolmates. No doubts, we really had fun together. Although, I just back in KL for few days, but the time was fully used and many activities had filled up in this CNY!!

@ Ichiban boshi , Pavilion

Loo Yee & Tze Chian (haha!! what was going on??)

I really hope to meet them again in near future. I am not sure if I have the chance again in next year....

More pictures: http://picasaweb.google.com/shookyee/PrimarySchoolmatesCNYGatheringII

Friday, February 8, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year!!

Gong Hey Fatt Choy!!!

Since that night arrived in KL, I didn't rest much. I only sleep for few hours and feeling very excited! Seems like there are lots of plan ahead and no time to attend for all.

Yesterday night, it was my primary school gathering at Redbox plus. It was great fun!! Friends coming back from different places and long lost old friends, looi yee and rui teng were appeared!

We enjoyed our time very much.. some shots taken yesterday:

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I am having headache now. Bad headache from this afternoon.

How come always headache? It happens almost every month.

this has been started since I was 15. I guess, I really have migraine.....

Just taking panadol... gonna ZZZzzzzz soon. Hope that I will be ok tomorrow.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Big Destructive Action

I have a plan and had been delay for 2 months!!!

I have my new laptop in last December, and decided to throw away my PC. Too bad, this has been delay due to laziness.

This PC was bought in 2000!!! it's my the one and only entertainment when I was in Uni and even after work now.

after coming back fr work today (half day), I searched for my screw driver... then start to dismantle my PC.. actually I just to take out the harddisk (lazy to transfer data to my laptop and I GUESS, my mother board is dead. I can't power it up. )

Ermm, thing wasn't just as simple as that.

My pc sat on a big computer table and it consumes almost 1/4 of my room.. so, I decided to dismantle it as well...

hahahhahaa..so challenging... One screw by one screw. heavy metal and wood!!! damn! feeling regret when in the middle of the process... hahaha

dust, running nose, sneezing..

finally i have demolished it in 2hours time... (nearly fainted).. One sad thing to me is, my newly created manicure are all GONE!!!!

dirty fingers with scratches on the nail polish.. all the flowers stickers are torn!!!

ARhh... i did it last night till 3am!

ok ok...... now my room is having more space... easier to clean up now... but still, i have something to worry now.. my books and souveniers might need another shelf again.. : /


10 mins after the last sentence..

I just sold my PC to garang guni.. guess how much???

Monitor + CPU.. without any accesories..

SGD4.00 only!!


Friday, February 1, 2008


Wow, it has been a long time I didn't go shopping in Orchard.

Although Orchard is few stops away from my home. But really do not have time to go. also another reason is I don't like to shop alone..

Today, I went to collect the bluetooth head set from Sony Ericsson. Wow, they gave me a new one. Haha.. Happy for father. It was my father's Bday present. and.. he spoilt it!!?? dont know why it doesn't work suddenly. So, i will bring a brand new one for him next week. :D

Then I shopped around, ZARA 70% discount. but too bad, can't get my size!!!!

I went to isetan.. sales sales sales!! DKNY, CK 80%.. hahahha..so cheap!! t-shirt only $30!! at last I bought 2 pair of shoes.. i can't believe my eyes!! 2 pairs for SGD35!!!! hahahahhahaha!!.. followed by 2 cardigan, 2 bags ( one for my sis).. all cheap cheap stuffs..

Happy Shopping.. after getting bonus.. hahhaa

actually wanted to buy one designer wallet for LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time since i was in Uni.. till now, i don't own ONE... cause everytime i wanted to buy, I wil think of the $$ which can do MORE useful things.. like paying mortgage.. and feeling better to have a big feast with whole family!

Anyway, sometime i feel happier when I bought cheap and nice things... :D

You will never believe that I always tackle NICE things with LOW prices which you feel it is that CHEAP!! ;)