Friday, February 15, 2008


Bored.. Another bored day... staying at home alone......

I think I gonna start working soon.... I can't continue to SICK and sleep...The medicine makes me feel so tired. Now, i am still continuously applying the oral paste to my gum.. hope it will get well soon.

I miss KL a lot... If I were in KL, I don't think I have this kind of feeling... I should be happily enjoying my life.

But, I don't think I have chance to go back anymore.... what will be my next plan?

Continue to be an engineer, earning $$, go travel?

Changing field, start all over again... migrating??!!

I really do not know... I am totally LOST.

It seems like I am still quite playful, the certain plan in my mind is go travel as much as possible in these 2 years....

Before I set up a family, I must enjoy my life before 30s...... am I too selfish? I just do not want to regret later...........


SinBAD said...

I think most of us "da kung jai" ppl will go through a stage where we felt lost and lack of sense of direction because we have somewhat achieved what we set when we're still in secondary school and that is, get into university, graduate from there and get a nice job. You just need to set/find a new goal for urself. You don't have to worry about marriage any more and that's one distraction less (a lot of singles out there still got distracted by this matter). In my opinion, one should not be bound by one's age when doing something. I mean, why must you enjoy life before 30? Does it mean that after 30 your life is over??..I understand that you might have more commitments after that, but in my opinion, whatever we want to do should not be bound to our age or whatsoever...there are a lot of ppl in their prime do crazy stuffs..I think you can still enjoy your life after 30, maybe not to crazy but moderately..

Shooky Leong said...

ya. I think you are right. Why? Why must be before 30 ya?

Maybe I am worried when will I stop playing around and be a serious adult?!

Till now, I still feel that I am a little bit childish.. haha

Setting another goal?!

what will be the goal? except strike 10M toto on this thursday.. (joking) :P