Saturday, February 2, 2008

Big Destructive Action

I have a plan and had been delay for 2 months!!!

I have my new laptop in last December, and decided to throw away my PC. Too bad, this has been delay due to laziness.

This PC was bought in 2000!!! it's my the one and only entertainment when I was in Uni and even after work now.

after coming back fr work today (half day), I searched for my screw driver... then start to dismantle my PC.. actually I just to take out the harddisk (lazy to transfer data to my laptop and I GUESS, my mother board is dead. I can't power it up. )

Ermm, thing wasn't just as simple as that.

My pc sat on a big computer table and it consumes almost 1/4 of my room.. so, I decided to dismantle it as well... challenging... One screw by one screw. heavy metal and wood!!! damn! feeling regret when in the middle of the process... hahaha

dust, running nose, sneezing..

finally i have demolished it in 2hours time... (nearly fainted).. One sad thing to me is, my newly created manicure are all GONE!!!!

dirty fingers with scratches on the nail polish.. all the flowers stickers are torn!!!

ARhh... i did it last night till 3am!

ok ok...... now my room is having more space... easier to clean up now... but still, i have something to worry now.. my books and souveniers might need another shelf again.. : /


10 mins after the last sentence..

I just sold my PC to garang guni.. guess how much???

Monitor + CPU.. without any accesories..

SGD4.00 only!!
