Thursday, February 21, 2008

Chicken Little?!

I met up with Erin from HK for dinner tonight at bugis. We been to a Taiwanese Restaurant with Sem as well.

As usual, we chat a lot.. as both of us are talkative. we talked about everything and suddenly she suggested to do business together-- Selling "gai dan zai".. some HK delicacies like waffle which doesn't exist in Singapore yet.

ermmm... talking about the shop name, set up, marketing, branding, survey, pricing, location.. bla bla bla

the shop name just called it "Hong Kong Gai Dan Zai", in english -- Chicken Little. hahahhaa!

well, she is a very experience marketing manager for about 7 years (same age with me). Having experience opening shops in HK (dessert shop) and having lots of ideas of promoting the food.

ermmm. this is another opportunities to earn money.. but I think we need capital!!!!

if i strike TOTO tomorrow, maybe I will consider...

else, we need to propose....

maybe this is a dream... or good chance to start a business.......

I don't wanna dah gung zai anymore......