Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Before i slept yesterday night, I drank a little bit of yomeishu! I carried this from KL cause it is a gift from aunt. She asked me to try it, so that I will look better, at least not too skinny.

I slept soundly yesterday. when i woke up, it was about 9am... and i feel very blur...

I took a day of MC and rest.. Perhaps, I can't take the wine too late.

I did something unexpected today. I submitted an online application for another degree in NUS. Well, it is all about my dreams to be a doctor. This has been buried for so many years and recently was dug out after chatting with my doctor friend. I must give it a try. I know the application is very competitive and only had 250 places with 2 rounds of interviews and essay for shortlisted candidates. It nearly same like strike TOTO.

If they really accept me, I think I will go for it. I hope to do something in passion for the next 20 -30 years.

I am not sure, am I dreaming or facing the reality at the moment.

Later I will post out my supporting documents then I will forget it.... until i receive any reply from the admission office.

If I get rejected, it's still fine.. I can continue to become an engineer... Nothing to lose.

Ahh... very lazy and no mood after coming back from KL......

Tonight I must sleep earlier!!!!

face the reality and back to the factory........