Saturday, October 31, 2009

My First Week in Catania

After a stressed but enjoyable first week, I discover something new:

Achievement!! (non work related)
  • Able to drive at the left side, in this no-rule city
  • No regret to learn Italian before I come. Am able to communicate in simple italian when asking for a way, ordering food, reading labels and signs
  • Enjoy a lot of nice italian food
  • Know a bunch of nice and helpful colleagues in M6
  • I feel that I am emotionally stronger than many people... such as, making decision in daily life and easy to adapt to new environment with no much troubles.
  • Able to wake up real early in the morning, 6 to 7am just for video/voice call with my family. (This is not the piggy me, and I will enjoy my sleep till later time for tomorrow)
  • Found out the best & cheapest communication method with my family - Skype! Surprising, there is NO DELAY! Good!
  • Last but not least, my husband has done something he normally not doing in anywhere. He enjoys video conferencing with me so much and even takes initiative to call me!

Pictures to share:

HOME 15 (Casa Quindici)
Via Milano

My studio apartment
Modern, clean and just my style, Love it so much.
Bonus: with internet connection (it's not so common in Italy)

Italian groceries!!

Another reason that make me wake up early everyday. - my italian breakfast!!

Just love it so much! (no fried mee hon, please!)

Yummy =P

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wooo... Catania, Italy!

It's my second day in Catania. Firstly I feel a bit stressed when driving in the city. I would say there is no rules at all. Nobody follows the red lights, no helmet for motorcyclists and ppl are driving recklessly. As a driver in Singapore, I am totally not used to it. With my style, I suffered to drive in KL and even in Penang few weeks ago.

Well, all these hassle have overcome by the warm hospitality of the people here. Colleagues in the office are very friendly and super helpful. They are putting effort to help you on everything! :) I really appreaciate many offers from them.

I do not feel as stress/lonely as I was in Agrate, Milan. Yes, i was in catania for one week, and I felt the people here are totally different. Also, after 3 years working in ST/Numonyx, my network is getting bigger. I know quite a number of people in Catania. Many ppl came to my place and say "ciao" to me. Many surprises as this is the first time I see their real face =)

Hopefully, I have more chance to talk to them personally after so many emailsssssss in the past.

In this trip, I also have chance to utilise my basic Italiano. I am happy that I am able to order food and simple chat with the owner in the restaurant. Also, know how to see some of the words on the street. It's really very helpful! =)

I will continue to learn Italiano after my IELTS exams next year.

And, I suppose, my italiano will improve after 6 weeks here as there are so many good teachers!

Due to some problem with my SD, I couldn't upload the pics to the PC. I will get a new SD card ASAP.

Nevertheless, looking forward for nice italian food and some weekend trips!

Well, in my mind, I miss my family soooo much... I wil get a better way to keep a close contact with them...

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Flying again

After my last travel to australia, I have been flying off from Singapore for many times this year. Since there are cheap tickets back to KL, I stopped taking coaches and flew most of the time.
In this year, I flew to Hong Kong for 2 times, Penang for once and several times back home, KL.

I didn't plan for any big trip in this year as we were having force leaves. I've burnt most of all of my annual leave.

Well, coincidentally, my company has arranged a 6-week training to Sicily, Italy for me. So, I will be flying off to Italy next week. Can I consider this as my annual trip? I am quite happy for this, but on the other hand, I am a bit hesitated. I gonna miss Yu and my family for 6 weeks and I afraid of the BORED life in there.

This time, I will go with a colleague who come from Malaysia too. We speak Cantonese and I guess it would be better as he is a guy. u know, I m very timid.

Since this is not my first time going to Europe, I have no BIG travel plan in mind. I notice that most of the places in Europe are quite similar and after being to Rome, I felt saturated with churches and musuem.

Initially I have few places wanted to go, but the flight from Catania is too expensive as the place is not too accessible as Milan.

I wish to meet up Shi Song in London. It has been years I promised for that. I hope this will come true. Beside that, will have few sightseeing trips to Venice and hope that I can spend sometime in the beautiful Switzerland. Markus will offer me a place in Zurich and I wish to go to Interlaken and Luzern. It seems like all of my trip will be after my training as I do not have much tie to travel too far during the weekend. I hope Jon will join some of my trips too.

Kevin is asking me to go to Rome and Paris. I guess I will leave him alone for the trip to Rome.. I might consider Paris again, as I like the place a lot. :) Don't mind to go again.

When I am there, I will consistently update my blog. So, please stay tune!! =)