Saturday, October 31, 2009

My First Week in Catania

After a stressed but enjoyable first week, I discover something new:

Achievement!! (non work related)
  • Able to drive at the left side, in this no-rule city
  • No regret to learn Italian before I come. Am able to communicate in simple italian when asking for a way, ordering food, reading labels and signs
  • Enjoy a lot of nice italian food
  • Know a bunch of nice and helpful colleagues in M6
  • I feel that I am emotionally stronger than many people... such as, making decision in daily life and easy to adapt to new environment with no much troubles.
  • Able to wake up real early in the morning, 6 to 7am just for video/voice call with my family. (This is not the piggy me, and I will enjoy my sleep till later time for tomorrow)
  • Found out the best & cheapest communication method with my family - Skype! Surprising, there is NO DELAY! Good!
  • Last but not least, my husband has done something he normally not doing in anywhere. He enjoys video conferencing with me so much and even takes initiative to call me!

Pictures to share:

HOME 15 (Casa Quindici)
Via Milano

My studio apartment
Modern, clean and just my style, Love it so much.
Bonus: with internet connection (it's not so common in Italy)

Italian groceries!!

Another reason that make me wake up early everyday. - my italian breakfast!!

Just love it so much! (no fried mee hon, please!)

Yummy =P