Saturday, October 17, 2009

Flying again

After my last travel to australia, I have been flying off from Singapore for many times this year. Since there are cheap tickets back to KL, I stopped taking coaches and flew most of the time.
In this year, I flew to Hong Kong for 2 times, Penang for once and several times back home, KL.

I didn't plan for any big trip in this year as we were having force leaves. I've burnt most of all of my annual leave.

Well, coincidentally, my company has arranged a 6-week training to Sicily, Italy for me. So, I will be flying off to Italy next week. Can I consider this as my annual trip? I am quite happy for this, but on the other hand, I am a bit hesitated. I gonna miss Yu and my family for 6 weeks and I afraid of the BORED life in there.

This time, I will go with a colleague who come from Malaysia too. We speak Cantonese and I guess it would be better as he is a guy. u know, I m very timid.

Since this is not my first time going to Europe, I have no BIG travel plan in mind. I notice that most of the places in Europe are quite similar and after being to Rome, I felt saturated with churches and musuem.

Initially I have few places wanted to go, but the flight from Catania is too expensive as the place is not too accessible as Milan.

I wish to meet up Shi Song in London. It has been years I promised for that. I hope this will come true. Beside that, will have few sightseeing trips to Venice and hope that I can spend sometime in the beautiful Switzerland. Markus will offer me a place in Zurich and I wish to go to Interlaken and Luzern. It seems like all of my trip will be after my training as I do not have much tie to travel too far during the weekend. I hope Jon will join some of my trips too.

Kevin is asking me to go to Rome and Paris. I guess I will leave him alone for the trip to Rome.. I might consider Paris again, as I like the place a lot. :) Don't mind to go again.

When I am there, I will consistently update my blog. So, please stay tune!! =)