Saturday, November 28, 2009

Typical Sicilian Dinner

Tonight Claudio invited us for a pizza dinner at a famous Sicilian restaurant in catania. I am happy that he brought me to explore many places and food in Catania. The dinner was nice with antipasti, pizza, dessert and wine. =)

The pizza is the best among I eat in Catania. Today we also met his wife and a friend. They are cheerful. I feel that people in Catania is happy and not like in other city. Main difference is they are really sincere.

I bet I will surely miss this place after one week. This is my 5th week here. One more week to go.. *mixed feeling*

Sicilian Antipasti: (olive, sundried tomatoes, eggplant, green pepper, fried vege, mushroom, cheese etc)
It's really mouth watering! I bet we can't find this in Singapore

Here's come my half pizza. The best I had in catania.

Claudio, his wife and me
This trip in Catania has left many good memories to me.
I am lucky to have such an experience in my life. =)