Friday, September 4, 2009

In the midst....

I am in the midst to decide how my future will be?

Sometime it's really hard to take a decision to change your life... Many of us would like to stay at the comfort zone and resist to make a change. However, when there is some circumstances change in our life and force us to move...

As for me.... what are the options I would like to choose?

Going to Hong Kong?
Going to Australia?
Staying back in Singapore for the next few years?
Going back to KL?

too many options. and among these, I would choose to be in Australia/Singapore.

But I know if I am going to Australia, I have to start all over again, and alone..... and it's not the time now as I have some commitment with my career.

If I would choose Australia PR, I need wait for 3 years. I guess, I will feel more comfortable too.

I need to find out more about australia and perhaps, need to go there again...

what to do? but first thing, I must equipped myself with IELTS, > band 7 results... before I choose any option...

Life... Life... I hope things will go smoothly and with no regrets.