Monday, July 6, 2009


So many wedding to attend recently... There was another one from a colleage on last satuday.. It was a wedding lunch at Good Wook Park Hotel. Quite a grand wedding.

I was wondering what to wear for a lunch.. however, I can't find any clothes better than a black dress... coz most of my wardrobe are for working.. jeans, shirt, t shirt. somehow, I am bored about it... then I had some comment that I am a bit too elegant.. hahaha! :S

Well, I need a change!!!
I just tried to pack some of the "old clothes" and keep aside... I found that some clothes is about 5 to 10 years.. some really look like rag.. wahhahaa... I think my style has been keep for these years. Except for the sizes...
It would be a good time to shop for new clothes.. due to end of sales.... ermmmm.. might take a look in this month.. ;)