Thursday, June 25, 2009


Ermmm.. finally.. I had my check up on my stomach...

and I need to prepare for colonoscopy.. sigh..

Surprisingly, the problem is not from my stomach. It suspects to be my colon..

well, this procedure is not that simple... need a very good preparation and will have 2 days of hospitalization..

I am waiting for the day to come.. I hope, after this, there won't be any other screening.

and wish that nothing will happen.

I do think that I am a very BRAVE person. So far, I have been thru so many screening/scanning...

and all I have done by myself... ;)

for this, I might need my husband to accompany me.. coz I will be go for a sleep for this procedure.. and I can't really drive/go back alone after that.

Hope everything is fine :)