Sunday, May 17, 2009

First time cook fish!!

Today we had a mini gathering at home. For the first time I prepared for 6 persons (Chee Leong, Ching, Erin, Henry, Siu Fung and I). I worried I can't manage it. I believe the quality will drop.

Well, it's also my first time I tried to cook fish. The main purpose I wanted to cook today is to try the spices called Tuscany.. I sprinkled on the cod fish that spreaded with olive oil.. then I tried to fried it! Yummy!!

Also, I followed my colleague's advise on how to cook baked potatoes. Yes. Taste good.

However, from the pic above, I think my carbonara is unsuccessful... sigh... luckily they didn't complain much.. hahaha!

The bread is simply Garlic bread.. toast in the oven with garlic butter spread.

Lastly, the salad is made of small cucumber + tomatoes + french dressing.. not bad~

Well, well, I think still need more improvement in cooking. I only give myself 7 points! =P

Wish to improve more and make more tasty food for friends =D

After the dinner, we had mahjong session as usual and I lost 12 dollars. haha