Saturday, May 23, 2009

Busy Week

Went for Angels and Demons... The story is not very amazing. What I like in this movie is it brings me back to Rome! The scenery in Rome, reminds me of Vatican City, St. Peter Church, Victoria church, Pantheon, Sistine Chapel, the fountain of 4 rivers.. I didn't know that Sistine Chapel is used to vote for Pope. I was there 2 years ago, and it was really crowded, full of tourist and all head up.. looking at the ceiling.. finding the bible characters...
No photo taking in Sistine Chapel.. though there were so many tourists but everyone was quiet. They appreciate the drawings on the wall and ceiling. :)


EWS department gathering.. we had 19 people went for the amazing buffalo wings at Sunset Grill.
Why is it so AMAZING? the recipe of the buffalo wings is the mexican chilies!! People come here to challenge their endurance level of the spices!
There are 30 levels. We tried level 3 & 8.. I can't even take it level 3 wings... I tried a bite of level 8. It was killing me!!! I was totally lost control.. finding ice, water, vege etc etc to cool down. It was burning my throat, lips, mouth... and my tear came out.. hahaha
Know what? 6 of my colleagues who are very daring.. they tried level 30!!! commit suicide? haha
The killing Level 30 buffalo wings
you can't even take it by hand

For those ppl who can finish the level 30 chicken wings, their name will be paste on the wall as below:

They made it!!! Congratulations!!!

Representatives from Different countries: Singapore, Malaysia, China and India!



Sun with Moon

30% discount for half a month promotion. Yu and I decided to go for it.. I always mentioned to Yu that I like this Jap restaurant! the food are nicely made and up to the standard...

We had Tuna Sashimi (surprisingly only 3 little pieces for SGD18!!).. luckily we didn't order tuna belly.. it costs SGD45.. well, also we ordered hokkaido ramen, my favourite beef TATAKI.. ( i miss it sooo much since the last one in Melbourne), salmon sushi maki and green tea ice cream..

It's YUMMY!! I love it! I must go again before 4th June. too bad, I forgot to take some pics of the food...

We spent less than 100 after 30% discount with these kind of good food and I think it's really worth it!!! :)


Meeting Fiona, Erin and Henry for dinner at Citihall. Beside a regular catching up, the main purpose is to see my dear cousin who already 5 months pregnant!! Am happy for her.. :)

actually I can't imagine she will be a MOTHER soon!! hehehe.. The baby is a girl..She bought lots of baby clothes for her... :)

We had dinner at Aerin's.

We ordered carbonara, spagetthi marinara, sausages, greek salad, fish and chip, and a ice cream with chocolate pudding.. hahaha.

Good food again.. Yummy..

Recently I really eat a lot.... and next week, we booked buffet at Tenji, Kuala Lumpur for another Japanese Buffet!!

This month has already exceed my expenses for food and entertainment.. and I have 2 days pay deduction for short work week..

sigh, don't care so much.. life is short.. haha.. (just don't wish to get back to the fatty size) ;P

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Star Trek

Do you think that he is handsome? Zachary Quinto..
really wanted to faint when i see him in the movie...
to me, the movie is nothing much special.. but the characters are handsome.. =D
here's the official website:

Hong Kong-Shen Zhen trip

The main purpose for this short trip to Hong Kong-Shen Zhen last weekend was to attend my brother-in-law's wedding.

The wedding was held at Sheraton Shen Zhen.. With the big land in China, Sheraton Shen Zhen is like a resort!

Mun was really gorgeous and beautiful. I felt that she looks like a star! Anyway, she was the star of the night. Happy for her to marry to a well-doing husband. =)

They have luxuries life in Shen Zhen and big house with a dog.. =D

I always think that their dog is having higher lifestyle than us.. hhahaa!

One day in Hong Kong - went to Mongkok. My favourite place with many CHEAP stuffs and nice food....

Due to swine flu, I bought some masks and wearing it around the city. =D

That's me! (actually I felt quite humid, argh~~)

First time cook fish!!

Today we had a mini gathering at home. For the first time I prepared for 6 persons (Chee Leong, Ching, Erin, Henry, Siu Fung and I). I worried I can't manage it. I believe the quality will drop.

Well, it's also my first time I tried to cook fish. The main purpose I wanted to cook today is to try the spices called Tuscany.. I sprinkled on the cod fish that spreaded with olive oil.. then I tried to fried it! Yummy!!

Also, I followed my colleague's advise on how to cook baked potatoes. Yes. Taste good.

However, from the pic above, I think my carbonara is unsuccessful... sigh... luckily they didn't complain much.. hahaha!

The bread is simply Garlic bread.. toast in the oven with garlic butter spread.

Lastly, the salad is made of small cucumber + tomatoes + french dressing.. not bad~

Well, well, I think still need more improvement in cooking. I only give myself 7 points! =P

Wish to improve more and make more tasty food for friends =D

After the dinner, we had mahjong session as usual and I lost 12 dollars. haha

New Phone - E71

yeah. Finally got this favourite phone. I have been waiting for 6 months. Wait for my contract to end and the price down. Red is the new color for E71. It looks vibrant! :)

The software is FAST (very important for the impatient me =p)

Love it so much...

Jess bought a white one. I bet she can't wait to use it! I will be coming back soon!! =D

Monday, May 4, 2009

My Hair!!!!!!!!!!

OH Dear Oh dear...

It is like a bunch of dry grass!!!!!!!

kinks, frizz, damaged ends after I went rebonding at Jean Yip!! it's not cheap but the results is so bad!

I consider this as a FAILURE!!!!

I am very sad. I can't even concentrate in work... Please please.. do not touch my hair..

Perhaps, I need to cut it short again!!? My plan is to keep it long.. sigh!!!! It's a fault to make my hair here.. I should go back to my hairstylist in KL..

This is a very GOOD lesson to me! :(

Just bought a L'oreal anti frizz conditioner. Hope it will help a bit at least... arrhhh... sad sad...

kill me please!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Sto a casa tutto il giorno

Done a reading comprehension today. Learnt a lot of vocabulary and wonder how much I really can absorb.

More reading & practise I think will help. I think I can't drop the language more than 3 days, else for sure I forget the words.


La Casa ( The House).

something I find it's very different is how italian called the rooms in the house....

  • Sala da pranzo - Dining Room
  • Soggiorno - Living Room
  • Salotto - Lounge
  • Cucina - Kitchen
  • Camera da letto - Bedroom
  • Studio - reading room
  • Corridoio - hallway
  • Bagno - bathroom

La lezione e interessante!