Saturday, October 4, 2008

It was the Luckiest Unlucky Day!

Friday Morning, 03 Oct.

We woke up and drove to Canteen 2 for breakfast. We were happy that we can finally wakes up early for breakfast before work.

Oh. Good.. There is no car at all at the L parking lot. Then Yu said, oh. just 'dui yap hui'... go in straight. then, we feel that the car accelarated... oh oho ho.. i dunno what to do? then it just dashed up on the curb go towards the slope!! there were some ppl eating outside Canteen 2. Some of them, stood up and prepared to run away....

wow... Yu pulled the handbrake, and i push to "P"... everything was so fast. and when we realise what actually happen, we already at the slope...

4 men came to help us to push the car reserve back to the parking lot... oh dear, the under carriage & bumper scracthes again!!

we just proceed for breakfast... without any words... hahhaa
it's so embrassing to face ea other... what i notice it, Yu went to grab the papers as usual.. and he keeps reading on the first page.. hahaha

both of us are actually shivering... hahaha

well, after breakfast, I drove to company... journey about 35km. I didn't feel anything wrong with the car but I was very worried.. don't know what happen to it...

for the whole day, i couldn't concentrate in office.. the scene replayed in my mind for times....

I was so quiet and scared.. called father and seek for advice... well, he said this is normal in driving. most importantly is how you react durign emergency..

we brought the car to toyota bodycare center for a thorough check. LUCKILY, there is no major damage. Just scratches on 2 bar under the car. they helped to spray and it is free of charge!

from this incident, I learn many things:

- not to wear slippers when driving
- becareful
- ways to react during emergency

also I really appreciate that Yu did not scold me and angry with me. He helped me along the way. The only thing is He will treat this as a JOKE and keep on teasing me....

I am lucky that there was not peak hour, or else, I could be hitting someone.. and that would be very troublesome with the tough rules in Singapore.