Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A day break in the middle of the week..

The feeling after work seemed like Friday night. I called out Zheng Hang for dinner. and we went to Kovan for porridge..

After dinner, Banhow joined us for drinks at 'san wong'.. chit chat until 11pm....

Wow, I was really sleepy that time.. so i asked them to leave.

I fetched them home respectively and when leavning hougang, I saw the clock, it's 1155pm.. wooooo....

I was still in Hougang. (25km to go). It was raining heavily.. so I just went by CTE-PIE to Jurong direction.

Unluckily, there was a car driving very slow like a tortoise (60km/h) in front of me. I wanted to cut him from the fastest lane but I didn't dare to take the risk.

The car from the lane were superb fast ( >100km/h)... and it was raining cats and dogs.

So, I just followed behind the mitstubishi red plate.. and worse case is it left the lane just before one exit from Pioneer Rd North.

Sigh.... it took me about 30-35 mins to reach home....

luckily tomorrow is public holiday. I should stay at home and take a good rest then.....

Good night.