Friday, August 29, 2008


Finally I gotta car and I gonna drive to work daily.

I still having the phobia on driving to work in the morning. well, it's getting smooth than the first time. and the worse time is getting back home. It's always Jam in the PIE (Pan Island Expressway) to BKE (Bukit Kranji Expressway).

It takes about 45 mins to reach home daily.

I hope I can get thru this phobia ASAP. try to be more relax when driving. It has been about 10 years I didn't really drive. I was during my form 6 time. My last drive was about 4 years ago in Langkawi where there is no traffic at all.

I think beside going to work, I will not drive to any places at this moment. Coz I have a hard time on parking too. hehehee

it's should be happy to have a car to reduce the time taken to work.. provided, I am really PRO!!

when can I being stress-free when driving? :S