Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Long Journey

Life is totally different now. It's really a change for me. I gonna wake up early to work.

Have been taking public transport to work and back home daily..about 4 hours thru and flow..

Well, I will still precious my sleeping time.. I shift my bed to the Bus and MRT in the morning... hahha

Luckily my job doesn't need to dress up... my zombie look is fine...

today I have been late for 50 mins... aih... hope to be there earlier tomorrow...

It's time to sleep earlier now.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Last day at Bishan

Tonight is the last night I stay at Bishan...

My MBA life is gonna over soon.. (MBA - Married but Available)

It's the real time I have to start another chapter of life. I wonder how would it be. I have the phobia to stay together with my husband.. haha..sounds strange???

No problem exactly happen to us. We are as good as usual. Just that the commitment to ea other is greater now...

I suppose, there will be quarrel... arguement... and I am worried about it... I don't know where to hide! hahaha

Well, hope things go smoothly and well.....

I gonna leaving the city life .. it's not as convenience as now... 9 mins MRT to Orchard!!

it will be 30 mins drive (if no jam) to Orchard and ex due to ERP, parking fees later... If taking cab.. will cost me around 25SGD.. to save money, I can choose to take MRT and bus which could take about 1 hour 40 mins..

sigh sigh sigh.. gonna back to Uni lifestyle again... also I must have gut to drive alone in few weeks time later... stressful....

I miss sleeping soundly on the bus every morning... I miss meeting friends for dinner, karaoke, drinks, shopping very much..

Well... actually it could be sound funny as Singapore is very SMALL and convenient... hahaha

As if I am going to Jail soon.. hahaha

ok. it's time to log off and pack my stuff. get ready to shift out from Bishan tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Headache again (July III & IV)

I just went to see doctor.. headache again!!! I am getting worried...

I think tomorrow I will go to poly clinics to ask for the referral...


really.. it is getting more frequent now!.....

Anyway, thanks for everyone's concern.. I will take care... Thanks!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Simple and Nice

I had a very simple italiano dinner at Karen's house.

She cooked carbonara. Yes the original Carbonara taught by an Italian.

What we need is, spagetthi, eggs, parmiagiono cheese, black pepper, and bacon.

I will give it a try soon.


It was really delicious. Thanks for the nice dinner...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Mahjong Party!

This will be our last weekend at Bishan!

We threw a Mahjong Party yesterday.

Few of my colleagues came to our house. Melinda, Qi Lu, Keng Wei & Tok Peng together with me and Iris (my housemate), we had fun!

It started from 2pm till 4am! hahaha..I was really fun! I hope we have this chance again in future! :D

Today.. I must start my packing my stuffs preparing to move out!

Headache again (July II)

Thursday, 17th July..

Headache.. again.. sigh

The feeling was like "Gun Yam" cited "gan ku zau" on " Sun Um Kung"'s ring.

Again, panadol and slept very earlier..

sigh.. Should I go and see doctor?

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ermm hmmm... new dishes again?

Tomato, carrot & egg fried noodles?

the taste is comparable with outside hawker stall.. ( no taste).. the vege ( no taste).. the meat coated with egg (too salty)
Rating: 4/10

What a new invention?


Anyway, I manage to finish it because beside that I have nothing else to eat!! :D

Monday, July 14, 2008

It's just nice!

Tonight I worked late and on the way back, I thought of the tray of eggs I bought last week. I must try my best to finish all by this week.
So i went to buy a tomato (only SGD0.30). after that i tried my first tomatoes fried eggs. While cooking, the half can of meat that sat in the freezer since last week came across my mind. ermm.. so i just simply fried it again.
for the noodles, it's taiwan "yang chun mian".. and I added some basiliaca pesto on it.
Well, this dishes is quite satisfying. I am still full now!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

New Try

My new dish, new try.. well, everything goes well.. hahaa..

not bad... *clap clap clap*

maybe it's very simple.. however simple dish also can be destroy by me! hhaa haa

wanna have a try? =D

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Headache again (July)

Another headache after lunch at a super hot food court.

Just to save a record on another heachache.. need to count how many Major headache I will get in this year.

Planning for a check up. coz the pain is unbearable...

I feel like vomit... the pain is from the front to the back of my head till the neck and shoulder. and the side of my head...


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Bad Newssss from Friends and Relatives

There were too many bad news I had heard in this month.

Colleagues' fathers death, grandpa & grandma death. someone having cancer. friend's wife death.. husband's colleagues' relatives' death...

all of the news make me feeling very uncomfortable.

and the recent news I heard was my husband's father fell down in bathroom and had 7 stitches on his head!!! I hope he can get well soon. We must be extra careful in bathroom...

I hope there won't be anymore bad news or things happen again...

I feel very sorry for all these bad things.

We should precious everything with us and enjoy our life as much as possible.

take care!

Recent Cookings

Today's cooking: ABC soup

Ingredients: Carrots, potatoes, corn, tomatoes, onions, ABC pasta

My lunch and dinner for the day.. Having Gastric for few days and MC to rest at home..

Last week invention: Green Pepper + Tomatoes + Chicken
Nothing special and it was just my first try after having outside food for one week.

Taste: A bit too light, Just enough for my dinner portion.

A Quick Dinner: Ham & Corn La Mian
Normal, very normal.. Just to fill up my stomach.. haha
No comment :x

In this month, I had 2 meals so called "Luxurious" (out of my daily budget for meal) at Din Tang Fung & Crystal Jade.
I went there alone. Though didn't want to do so, but I just can't bear the food out there. I am out of ideas of what to eat in food court and hawker center. The food are awful.. :( Or am having some aneroksia symtom? Or just picky?
Look forward to go home in next weekend to enjoy mummy's cooking. =D