Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Recent Cookings

Today's cooking: ABC soup

Ingredients: Carrots, potatoes, corn, tomatoes, onions, ABC pasta

My lunch and dinner for the day.. Having Gastric for few days and MC to rest at home..

Last week invention: Green Pepper + Tomatoes + Chicken
Nothing special and it was just my first try after having outside food for one week.

Taste: A bit too light, Just enough for my dinner portion.

A Quick Dinner: Ham & Corn La Mian
Normal, very normal.. Just to fill up my stomach.. haha
No comment :x

In this month, I had 2 meals so called "Luxurious" (out of my daily budget for meal) at Din Tang Fung & Crystal Jade.
I went there alone. Though didn't want to do so, but I just can't bear the food out there. I am out of ideas of what to eat in food court and hawker center. The food are awful.. :( Or am having some aneroksia symtom? Or just picky?
Look forward to go home in next weekend to enjoy mummy's cooking. =D